

  • Me: 3 The Binge:2 Days without logging: 1 "Ladies and Gentlemen, this could be the turning point! HippiePotamus has gained the lead and seems to be running with it! (This could just be the away-game advantage as we all know that HippiePotamus doesn't feel the urge to binge when she's spending the weekend with her man).…
  • September 3rd: Me: 1 (yay!) The Binge: 2 Days without logging it all: 1 "The Binge gained an early lead with a couple of really stressful plays, but it looks like HippiePotamus could be making a comeback, stay tuned, sportsfans!" :bigsmile:
  • Hiya! :) I just joined this group and literally just now logged a binge for the first time ever. (Baby steps, yay!) This looks like a great way to keep track and keep accountability, so I'm in! September 2014 Nadia: 0 Binge: 2 Days without logging: 1