

  • Hey, Welcome ^-^ I have pretty much the same goals :) for the candy/chocolate try buying alternative snacks like dried fruit and nuts or just fruit generally. Personally I like sticking to strawberries and raspberries Goodluck xxx
  • :smile: Hello and welcome you have a really pretty smile by the way xx
  • What's the food network?
  • Oh dear thats awful!!! I really hope he gets better soon praying for you and him! Laurie xx
  • Thank you so much for you ideas and support. Really you guys are amazing! I think I may try my hand at video games and reading, unfortunately, exercise is a no no because it causes loss of breathe and excessive coughing :/ it's frustrating! I get some new meds today so hopefully i'll be better within a week! again thank…
    in I'm so down Comment by Luxuria June 2008
  • I can't stop reaching for the cookie jar, had like 5 today :/ I can't exercise it off because i'm really ill with a lung infection so I'm just sitting here beating myself up :/ losing weight seems so frustrating, I think I've gained a few pounds. ERGH!!! >.< Help? Anyone? Laurie x
    in I'm so down Comment by Luxuria June 2008
  • Thanks guys for the advice, I appreciate it! =] xx
  • Hey guys, I'm prone to getting things like pneumonia, and i'm currently not very well. I really find it so hard to cope with because i was beginning to go to the gym and get into shape, eating healthily etc! Now i find i have little appetite and i'm quite down because i know i'm going to lose my tone :/ [well, what little…
  • It's really good that you're so keen to exersize everyday, i have the opposite problem lol, i need motivation, but it's true that you do need a day just to relax, maybe do something thats not a heavy workout like going for a walk or doing some stretching? =] xx
  • Hey there I usually have that problem, i get bored and then i crave things like chocolate, cookies and other random snacks. I counteract this by buying loads of different types of fruit, especially berries and cherries, seems to solve my snacking problems. also seafood is quite a good option, if you eat a few prawns or…