Vespertide Member


  • Need a return to diligence-y -- is that a word? Losing a bit (.6 since last Wednesday) but could be doing better. 27 lbs. down/ 46 to go
  • Back after a break. Took a ten day trip and was slow to getting back to logging. Still down a few pounds more and BMI has dipped below obese category for first time in about 14 years! Total loss 26.
  • September goals: 9/1 to 9-14 lose 4 lbs 9-14 to 9 30 lose 2 lbs (vacay during that period) Amp up the exercise, am averaging 3K steps per day plus 15 min bike. Aiming for 5K steps and 20 min bike, oh and might dig out resistance bands. Journal sources of stress and remember to enjoy September.
  • Despite see sawing like the ****ens all week, happy to end up with a 2.2 loss (and 7.4 for August) . Nice to experience size 18s getting loose. Carbs have been a constant temptation all week. Need to stock up on some yummy noncarbs. Good luck to all in new week! Edited to say -- I can't believe that MFD edited my post to…
  • Inspirational reading how everyone is doing! Zigzagged this week, 2lbs up, 2lbs down, ending up same as a week ago. Better news, had six months physical and statins were able to be cut down again -- They were cut in half six months ago and my cholesterol still dropped (from 150s to 135) -- so now on 25% of last years dose.…
  • I have a chance of meeting my goal of losing 4 lbs (from Aug. 6 when posted). 2.2 to go, if I don't fall off wagon over Labor Day weekend. Anyway still making progress. It is interesting to me to see how I have reformulated my thinking from going to the drive in getting two, foot long hot dog with the works, and a large…
  • One pound down this week. The step tracker with MFP wasn't working properly this week -- but I think I compensated alright. Great walking weather and taking full advantage. Last week was the week of eating lots of vegetables. Next week will be keeping up with that and cutting down on diet sodas. Am also trying to get more…
  • Mine hasn;t worked since Saturday afternoon, despite turning Apple motion detector on and off (in privacy setting) rebooting ipHone, and logging in and out of MFP.
  • Two pounds lost this week for a total of 20,2.(Yeah!) This week had lots of exercise built in without trying --walking visiting Granddog, clearing a house for painting. Will try to sustain that level of exercise, even though not required. May go somewhat vegetarian this week -- enjoying farmer's market produce. Have been…
  • My own remainder of August goals -- Lose 4 pounds Increase calcium from dietary sources (I take a supplement if my daily intake is too low) Actually use fitdesk (more than 20 min per week)
  • Hi Rose, I wouldn't worry too much about a few days vacation -- restaurants certainly can be difficult -- I find the salt content a problem --but for a few days just think about better, not necessarily best choices, enjoy your meals and plan your return date as your reboot date. Appetizers can be good options, also great…
  • Hi Sudofarr -- I did DASH for strictly for awhile and it did have a good impact on my BP. My main long term takeaway was to greatly increase my consumption of vegetables -- for instance adding a 1/2 cup to egg white omelet, or adding steamed veggies to salads. If I am not in a situation where I can count calories at all, I…
  • Encouraging to see everyone's strategies and experience. Lost 2 pounds this week and back to lowest weight so far on this journey ed for a total loss of 18.2. Most helpful thing for me lately are my precooked dinners. This week I made a pot with tofu, eggplant, black beans, kidney beans, tomatoes,portobello mushrooms,…
  • Up .4 pounds over the week -- but was a vacation week so not too worried. Made mainly good choices and it could have been a lot more backsliding. Onward!
  • >GrandmotherCH.. how about a visit to a personal trainer to design an exercise program, or invite a friend to an outdoor music event or fair. My milestone rewards so far (with mini rewards for each week of logging) have been more flattering summer dresses and a lighter purse/messenger bag so that I don;t list to the right.…
  • Lost another 2.4 this week. If I'd measured Monday it would have been 3.8, but salty sushi has thrown things off. This weeks challenge a 5 day mini vacation with a group of friends. Risks: too much food around, Benefits: lots of exercise.
  • Thanks to Wooken 3 for tip on setting ticker. This is a test to see if it posts :)
  • This has been best week in 46 days of charting. Lost 3.6. Didnt really do anything special except stay at or near goal, I think sometimes things start to catch up. Now down 15.8. 54.2 to go. I need to learn how to make ticker show up in my posts :). This is a frantic week and will keep charting everyhting even thoguh…
  • Thanks for all the welcomes! Trying to view this as a life style change, not just a temporary diet...
    in New here Comment by Vespertide July 2014