iPhone daily steps counting not working properly

I've been using my iPhone to count my steps. It would always translate my steps into extra daily calories I can consume. A few days ago, it stopped doing that. It is still counting my steps but it is not translating them into calories. Anyone know why this would happen? I didn't change anything in my settings.


  • stickan65
    stickan65 Posts: 2 Member
    I have the same problem, last day it worked was on thursday.
  • andjeladrake709
    andjeladrake709 Posts: 4 Member
    You know, mine worked on Thursday and then stopped sometime on Friday!
  • I'm having the same problem. Guessing it's something to do with the update... hope it gets fixed soon.
  • Just noticed that mine isn't working properly either. It's counting steps but not translating into calories.
  • andjeladrake709
    andjeladrake709 Posts: 4 Member
    Do we need to let someone know?
  • Vespertide
    Vespertide Posts: 21 Member
    Mine hasn;t worked since Saturday afternoon, despite turning Apple motion detector on and off (in privacy setting) rebooting ipHone, and logging in and out of MFP.
  • pikkumuhqu
    pikkumuhqu Posts: 3 Member
    Same for me. Steps get into the diary, but no burn cals are calculated.
  • andjeladrake709
    andjeladrake709 Posts: 4 Member
    It just started working!! :) I did send an email to report it, but not sure that I can take the credit. I'm just happy it works. I like seeing those extra calories show up. :)
  • stickan65
    stickan65 Posts: 2 Member
    Started working for me today.
  • orgoglio1
    orgoglio1 Posts: 1 Member
    Mine isn't calculating steps but is calculating calories. Hhhmmm... Maybe we need to drink the kool-aid and install iOS 8.
  • invisible2k
    invisible2k Posts: 4 Member
    It's not any better on iOS8. My steps stop working after a certain time of day, no matter how many times I refresh the app.
  • pikkumuhqu
    pikkumuhqu Posts: 3 Member
    Mine has been working good since this chain was created. This morning I realized the steps are not updated again. Anyone else with the same problem.
    I did already uncheck counting steps and restarted the app, then checked the steps on again. This has helped before, but not this time. It's harmless to do as MFP goes back 7 days, when it's been checked.