

  • Right. I modified it slightly because T25 only has 1200 and 1600 cal/plans. 1200 is too little and 1600 is too much. I basically make one meal and one snack a bit bigger but count the calories so I stay at 1400. Lots of lean meat, veges, and fruit in the meal plan.
  • Okay. ill try to pick up a scale. How exactly does weighing work? ie do I weigh the food before or after its cooked? if I measured a bowl of pasta, would I weigh it with or without the sauce? And is there an amount of "grams"I should be eating per day Even without weighing food, eating 1400 cals per day while doing T25, I…
  • Hey sorry for the delay in answering. No I haven't been weighing everything I eat or keeping track of grams or whatever... should I be doing that? I haven't been doing that because I've been following the T25 nutrition plan, 1400 cals per day. I don't want to go below that and exercise because I have low blood sugar and it…
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