shelbygeorge29 Member


  • Love it so much!!! And it's so versatile, you can put it in almost anything.
  • Stay away from the tonic, it's very close to soda. Vodka and seltzer is the very lightest calorie wise. Wine isn't bad either. The 64 and 55 calorie beers are close to being alcohol free, but if you wanted to be part of the gang and drink a couple they are a good option. (Alcohol is mainly sugar, so when they take the…
  • Lifitng heavy weight will NOT bulk you up, they will help lean you out. Pick up some heavier weights girl!!! Squats, deadlifts, lunges; those big compound movements will help to scuplt your physique. If you could find a good trainer (that's a big *if*) I'd recommend a couple sessions to have them show you around. I also…
  • Two steamed lobsters, pile of steamed asparagus, heirloom tomato, basil (fresh from my garden) & fresh mozz salad - YUM!!!
  • They are a lovely indulgence and they make your skin feel absolutely divine. It is by far my favorite spa treatment. However, they are not a long-term weight loss/management solution.
  • You want to look more like a Fitness model I'm guessing, a bikini model-type look? Hit the weights, don't be afraid to make them heavy. I would consult the ladies at or the T-Vixens at You are never going to wake up one day and look like a She-Manazon no matter how heavy and hard you were to…
  • Really awesome!!!!!! You must feel amazing!!!
  • I love ginger, sounds delish!!!!
  • That's really a tough one. I spent the last couple of years extremely depressed, in an abusive relationship, eating and drinking my cares away. The only thing that helped me was leaving the relationship, and since then I have been on a high and know that I can achieve anything that I set my mind to. Everything used to seem…
  • And then follow it up wth a viewing of "Fat Head." Granted, I eat pretty healthy and really don't have much desire for any processed foods. I got fat eating too much homemade goodness, now I'm just making healthier choices and fill up on vegetables, lean meats and legumes. I guess I…
  • I drink close to a gallon of cold green tea every day. I out 7 tea bags into a gallon of water, pop n the fridge and in just a couple hours it's ready. I really love it, and don't think it's weird. But, I was out to eat a few months ago and tried green tea with pomegranate and it was the nastiest, most fake tasting tea…
  • I personally love the steam after a hard workout, I'm not sure about the health/recovery differences between that and the sauna. As an asde, I would caution you on the amount of running you're going to be doing in conjunction with the NROLFW program. Excess cardio can really hinder your progress with the program and I…
  • A couple years ago I developed tendonitis in my knee after going at the the gym and hiking like I was a contestant on "The Biggest Loser." One day I woke up and could barely get out of bed the pain in my knee was so severe. Mt Dr. told me it was way too much too soon, and told me to avoid all weight bearing cardio, I could…
  • You are just going to be sore and achy a lot, at least that was my experience. When I was training and competing in tri's, I went to a chiropractor 2 days a week. He helped me tremendously, and I have no previous injuries to contend with. I was talking about the soreness my body was in one night with some friends, one whom…
  • I'm not working right now so I let my body dictate when to get up. (Unless my cat wants to get me up to fill his bowl, then he gently paws me in the mouth until I get out of bed.) It seems my body is very happy with 8.5 hours of sleep. If it's rainy and I roll over for more zzz's, I feel like crap most of the day. I have…
  • Yup, your body adapts to extreme exercise. I would most definitely take a solid week off from the gym. Eat a bunch, of everything you enjoy. It sounds like you've made great progress. After a nice break your level of fitness should increase.
  • When you have 100 lbs to lose, yor body is not going to go into starvation mode. The research clearly supports that, I recommed a quick Google search and posting some research if someone disagrees. People with less than 40-50 pounds may encounter the effects of starvation mode, but not someone who's obese. You're dealing…
  • It's funny that we question fueling our bodies with something great like lentils in the AM, yet it's totally normal to have 800-1000 calories at breakfast be it from McDs, BK, eggs benedict, etc. Our NORMAL and WEIRD regarding food is messed up. I'm happy to be a weirdo with food, if it makes me healthy and thin! And…
  • I created a recipe for my basic salad including dressing. I just add whatever protein or cheese, depending on what the final version is.
  • I've been logging all my veggies, and have been surprised by the protein and calcium in things like broccoli and celery. I track my fiber so calculating veggies is important. Plus I can consume close to 200 calories from vegetables in a day, that's an extra 1400 calories a week, which works out to an extra 5600 calories a…
  • I respectfully point out that information is plain wrong. Lifting weights will not bulk you up, they will lean you out. Ladies, don't be afraid of lifting weights!
  • FWIW, I very rarely eat at restaurants that have nutrtional information available. I live in a resort town with no chain restaurants, there are easily 30 restaurants within a 5 mile radius of where I live and none provide it.
  • I read an article recently that talked about how muscular most obese people are, underneath the chub. It takes big muscles to move big bodies around. Since we lose both muscle and fat when we lose weight, it mentioned how some of that muscle loss brings the body back into proportion. I'm guessing muscle is like fat in that…
  • Clearly it's working for you!
  • Wendy's chili has been my go-to if I really have to have fast food.
  • The only bra to ever really tame my gigantuc beasts is, The Last Resort Bra, from Title Nine Sports.
  • There is no evidence linking BC pills (the shot is different) with weight gain, here is a link to a recent article outlining how that health myth came to be. I found it to be an interesting read, and a reason not to be afraid of the pill!
  • Normally I get slightly annoyed by people posting the same questions over and over and over, without using that handy "search" feature at the top of the page. It's just mildly annoying, I just don't click to read and get on with my day. However, oily, anal leakage always makes me laugh. And not just giggle, out and out…
  • Great job!!!! You even get extra credit, working in a restaurant can easily derail weight loss efforts. Your success shows serious dedication. Keep at it!!!