

  • I agree at starting with 1600...May seem like a lot, but it is a good starting point. That is what I aim for each day. Obviously some days aren't right on track and that's ok. The more protein you put in to your diet is also pretty key. Try eating something with protein at every meal. Don't stress if it isn't exactly what…
  • PROTEIN!!! On my weight loss journey I have found that protein is very key. Also, there were times when I just maintained my weight and was always feeling hungry, and by upping my calories 100-200 a day jump started my weight loss again. If you're working out hard throughout the week, you have to fuel your body or it will…
  • When i've had a really hard work out and my muscles are sore, i soak in epsom salt. It helps a lot!!! The next day if I'm really sore and can't work out hard, i make myself walk. I will walk 4 - 5 miles. That way i still get some activity and helps keep the muscles loose. Don't push your muscles! You don't want to over do…
  • You can set mini goals with exercise even if you don't have actual events coming up. You can increase your physical activity. Try a new exercise class. Try walking/running further than you had before...try accomplishing so many miles within a week. I got frustrated always using weight loss as a mini goal so I had to try…