

  • If you have a smart phone, download the MyFitnessPal app (it's free). Looking up what you're going to eat before you eat it can help you avoid bad choices, especially in restaurants. And don't be afraid to ask for advice and support here! I've found everyone to be very helpful. Good luck!
  • Thanks for the link - it's nice to have some other point of reference rather than just depending on a scale! (I'm stalled out between the amount of cheese an average American eats in a year, and a cinder block. Just thinking about that cinder block makes me want to work out harder!)
  • I asked my husband for a Wii Fit for Christmas last year, and have dropped nearly 30 pounds since using it. I hate the gym but love video games, so I thought the Wii would be a "fit" for me, and it is! I use the Wii Fit game every day to weigh in and get my BMI, and I have a personalized 20-minute workout program that I…