juliavalerie Member


  • From WI, in Florida now, but moving home!!!! My husband and I just bought our first home in Delafield:) Can't wait to move back!
  • Last year I got married - 8-6-11. My fitness journey started with a C25K and I did it!! I also lost 30 lbs for my wedding. One year later, I have gained 20 back and ashamed:( I want to get back in and I want to start it all over again. I would love to have the support of this group!!
  • I had the same thing. I was training for 2 months and my fiancee came with me one night and blew me out the water. Worst part is, he never works out and he is smoker:( I wouldn't let it get you down.
  • "lso, if I don't make it at home, I end up getting fast food... bleh!!! I've finally decided that when the craving hits, I'm just going to have it. No turkey burger instead of beef, no squash fries instead of potatoes. I figure as long as I make it myself and it's quality ingredients, even if it is fatty, at least it's…
  • I was a fellow C25K and from experience (of a non runner) it was already overwhelming to try to finish the 5K without walking. I decided to make it my goal to run the entire 5K without walking/stopping. It was realistic and I ran in 35 mins. My suggestion is to worry about endurance and then after your first one make it…