skthibert Member


  • Only lost 3 lbs but body is definitely changing!
  • WOW! If I didn't know any better I would almost say that is me. I have been between 162 and 158 for over a year now. I recently started MFP.... Again for the third time. I'm on day 58 now, I did go down to 154.4 last week, but now I'm back to 158.2. Difference is, even though the scale isn't moving the way I want it to, I…
  • I recently started antidepressants, about 6 weeks ago. My Dr put me on Welbutrin, and told me it actually helped with weight loss and appetite suppressant. The first couple weeks I noticed a difference in my appetite, but now it's back to normal. I haven't gained or lost anything yet, but Im hopeful since my mood and…
  • Don't forget about the water weight being lost as well.
  • Anyone feel free to add me, my diary is public. I'm 29 (going to be 30 this summer) I'm 5'2 161lbs, so I got a ways to go. My diary entry for yesterday was terrible though :) always looking for friends to help me get and stay motivated.
  • I too am fairly new to mfp. I joined 15 days ago. I have a 12year old and a 5 month old, and my husband works out of town, so all my workouts are done at home. I also recently quit smoking Jan. 2. I too could use some motivation friends. Good luck to everyone on their journey to healthier living :)