Hi Judy just a little note to say that I struggle so desperately to lose weight - have been at it a while now but nothing seems to work and I am getting very disheartened so was just wondering what worked so well for you. Please help if you can - Jay
Hi - hope you're not getting too hung up about the surgery. After surgery as you know you won't be able to eat as you di - the reason Protein is so important intake is due to it satisfying hunger and also because early on after surgery you may or may not suffer with problems such as having the runs and vomitting. Also -…
Hi I'm not 100% sure but from what I've been informed by surgeon cutting things out and focussing just on vegetables (and also milk) is related to shrinking the liver prior to surgery bt this is for gastric bypass so think you really need to explore the advice you've beeen give carefully. Know it's daft questiob but have…