lilMimi24 Member


  • Ooh thanks for the suggestions, i had completely forgotten about the elliptical. I love that machine! Managed to get out for a run yesterday as was less swollen than usual. Oh it felt soooo great, i actually LOVE exercise. I'll try to do 20mins yoga/stretching in the morning (when i can get out of bed on time) but I feel…
  • Yep i feel exactly the same, drinking happens socialising with friends and colleagues on a Friday then I'm just too tired from all the weeks activities and to exercise or even cook proper meals. What I have found in the past is doing social sport that I enjoy like tennis/running/cycling with friends or family is the best…
  • Hi there, I'm starting again too after weight gain moving to a new city and starting a new job. Suffering the curse of the double chin as well! Determined to loose it, i have a free gym membership with my job but can always find excuses not to go, like to run outside though. Lets work towards amazing together!
  • Congratulations, way to go! Really inspiring, i was low "normal" weight, lost to BMI 12 then gained 65lbs. Now i would give anything to be back to the healthy before in my journey. Slowly does it and be proud of what you have achieved :)
  • Many thanks to all, i have started to have a niggling feeling about 1200 net causing trouble and will make sure i eat back exercise calories (but not all in calorie dense binge foods at night!). Ill try to work on the protein too (not a big meat fan so may be a bit of a challenge). I have had a look at a couple of your…
  • Ok apologies, didn't realise diary was set to private, well it is embarrassing reading (although within the past 5 days i have eaten way more than usual, getting a little discouraged and self sabotaging), i like the apple before a meal idea but am a bit worried about eating too much fruit as part of an overall plan, is it…
  • Ok well, i do agree with this but don't be to hard on yourself. You have been consuming way too few calories and have most likely done damage but it is not irreparable! Basically you have starved yourself for 3 months. The Minnesota experiment enables a good take on this. When the subjects calories were upped they gained…
  • Ok, this interests me, like OP have experienced no loss in past 2-3 weeks BUT my clothes feel looser, my legs are beginning to have a gap between them and my shape has changed noticeably. If i am not gaining something heavier like muscle how can i be smaller without loosing weight? This seems to be a bit of a mystery.....
  • Many thanks, I have stopped panicking a little bit now. Great suggestions, i shall definitely try to incorporate a high protein evening snack which works well with eating what i really like because i LOVE greek yoghurt! Also have some protein powder in my cupboard that i have been a bit scared to try so i will get on it. I…