klschuchardt Member


  • Love this topic. How about people who pronounce the "t" in often? It is actually silent and does not make you sound more articulate. Or my other favorite is "irregardless" instead of "regardless" :noway:
  • Lindsey - welcome first of all! :) And I agree with a few others here. Go out and enjoy yourself. Personally, I have found that the longer I deprive myself of "treats" the more I want them and then end up binging on them. But if I let myself have a little once in awhile, I get my fix and can move on. But I also agree with…
  • Great job!! Keep it up. You are looking great and I bet feeling great too. :)
  • Good thing you are doing it for you and not for them. :) It definitely sucks when the people you love don't get it and are mean about it but ultimately you can't change them. Just your reaction to them. Keep up the great work. You look awesome!
  • I found the same thing happened to me when I did WW. I weighed in on Fridays and found that if I did well, I ended up overindulging over the weekend and spent the rest of the week trying to make up for it instead of staying consistent throughout the week. Counting calories is definitely working better for me. WW is great…
  • Currently 212 lbs 0 aiming to be as close to 190 as possible by January 29 (my next yearly dr appt). Ultimate goal is to get into the 170's. Good luck to all of you on your goals! WE CAN DO THIS!!! :)
  • So very true! Positive, but honest friends are so key! :)
  • I am on the same boat! :) Have dabbled a few times with this but never stuck with it. Great to meet you and please feel free to add me!
  • I'm in WI - Fond du Lac area. But I lived in Madison for a year and originally from Wis. Rapids area. Welcome! :)