casdls Member


  • Chobani! Pineapple and mango are my favorite. I actually like them all, except for the pomegranate.
    in Greek Yogurt Comment by casdls July 2011
  • I now weigh as much as I did when I gave birth. I look horrible in pictures. I can't find any clothes that fit and look nice.
  • A teacher in one of my fitness classes says that if you are tired or nauseous after a workout, you are actually working too hard and burning sugar rather than fat (I may have that mixed up). After a workout, you should feel energized. I realized that I was pushing myself way to hard. When I toned it down and stayed within…
  • I'm 5'6" and shooting for 150. Six years ago, I was maintaining at 140 and I felt great, but I'm taking into account that I'm older now and don't have as much time to spend working out.
  • I was sick of not having any clothes that fit, or if they do fit, they don't look nice. I was sick of being tired all the time and having no energy. I've only been doing this since Tuesday, but I have to say that I already have more energy to get through the day at work because I'm not constantly stuffing my face with junk…
  • I lost 45 pounds on Weight Watchers. A few months after reaching lifetime status, I became pregnant, gained everything back and then some, and never lost the weight again. I tried going back to meetings a few times and doing the online version, but I never really had the time and/or motivation to stick with it. The program…
  • Congratulations! I've recently joined, as well, and love the encouragement found in the forums.
  • This happens to me frequently, as well. The one thing that has helped me is my rule that if it's after 9pm and I'm still hungry after eating dinner and a snack, I go to bed. There's been too many late nights with me raiding the refrigerator and cupboards, and this has actually helped.