

  • I am an avid lover, fan, and instructor for Les Mills programs!!! Sh'Bam is the newest and latest addition to their line of programs. I am certified to teach Body Pump and Body Step, hopefully soon to add Body Attack as well. Sh'Bam is awesome! It is a little like Zumba in that it is a moderate/low impact workout that will…
  • Should not work out on an empty stomach. You can't drive a car without fuel ... your body is a machine that needs fuel to run. Even if a small amount ... eat something before working out. Your body needs something to burn :-).
  • As you get lean you lose fat and gain muscle,, particularly if you are doing strength training exercises along with cardio, which it seems you are. Although weighing yourself is important, it's more important to measure how your clothes are fitting. If things begin to get baggy, then you are losing inches. You can lose…