

  • Totally get it! I just told my husband this same thing today! I don't understand it, but I've lost almost 50 but still feel fat!
  • I just posted the same question! I lost more weight when I didn't exercise. I don't think there will ever be a good answer to why our bodies do what they do. I just know I am happier when I'm eating well and I need to think about that more than I think about the numbers on the scale I guess.
  • Hi...I had about 120+ to lose.....I've already gotten about 70 of it off, although I didn't really start counting until I joined that's why it says I've lost 46. I've been feeling a lot better. I'll be your friend if you'd like.
  • With the amount that you are working out, you are not eating enough. Are you logging your exercizes to see how many calories you've burned/earned for the day? I am having the same trouble....eating well, but losing nothing. I totally ate a ton yesterday in hopes to get my body back on track. I'm trying to see if my body…
  • When there is an exercise that isn't in the database, I just google the exercise and see if I can find the calories. Then, you can add your own exercise to the database. I know there is also a good website that shows you calories for all kinds of things, but I can't remember what it is at the moment.
  • Amen sister! I hate to diet! I've been doing well, but am REALLY tired this week. I definitely am excited when I see results, but I have found it is very time consuming to committ to a lifestyle change! I try to remind myself when I don't see week to week results that it took me 33 years to get like will take…