

  • For all . . . in the morning before I dress or right after, I pick up my hair spray bottle and my lotion tube (just to give me a little more weight) and do 100 jabs reaching from my hips and punching my arms to the opposite side. Then I do them towards the ceiling reaching my left arm up over my head and aiming for the…
  • Welcome and good luck! This site helps a lot, I think. The tracking of both food and exercise helps to keep me motivated. I'm not on here right now too much as I try to enjoy our short summer here in Wisconsin! Two things I do that have helped. I have Kashi Warm Cinnamon cereal, 3/4 cup DRY. Eat it like a snack. I also do…
  • I was the same way until about two years ago when I started researching what foods had what calories/fat, etc. I was shocked at how easily a person goes over their daily intake. I find this site easy to use and very accurate. My niece hooked me up on here and she is going nuts with exercising and watching her calories. So…