Taylormeints Member


  • I love the idea of small goals! Here is my 1st week goal- 1. No eating after dinner!! This is huge for me...i eat so healthy and consciously all day, then after supper I eat anything and everything I want. It's not a hunger thing at all, it's just a self control thing!. So I am just going to set that goal first, then set…
  • Hey there everyone, I'm a transplant originally from Michigan, but now in Johsnton
  • Thanks Marcie, and I totally agree...a meal is not complete with out desert, especially dinner! Maybe that is my problem, I am skimping out too much at dinner. That and lack of self control....but I love the graham cracker idea :) Often I find that If i eat something super yummy like that I can't stop eating it, that is…
  • I was on a ground turkey and turkey bacon kick for a while...until I looked at the nutrition facts and noticed they are almost the same! In fact, a lot of ground turkey has more fat/cals than extra lean ground beef. I have found that it is more important to look at the fat ratio then just getting rid of beef all together.
  • Oh yes, I also wanted to add that I usually have food that I wouldn't typically eat in the house for my husband...this is often the stuff I go after at night (peanut m&m's, potato chips, junk food)
  • Thanks for all the replys! Good posts and advice. I like the idea of eating more protein at night. I do have gum and sugar free candy and fruit around...and it's really not that i'm hungry, i just have no self control, haha! Ok, it's not that funny. To be honest, I can go on a couple month kick of eating good, staying on…