

  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Okay, it's time for me to get back on this thread.... I am battling a Failure Beast and I'm over-thinking and letting the bigger picture get to me. I need to get back into this thread (I used to be such a huge contributor)!!!!

    Thank you, danlyn for sending me the link -- do you remember when I was on here before??? I fell off of this mini-goal wagon and I desperately needed to get back on. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Okay, it's time for me to get back on this thread.... I am battling a Failure Beast and I'm over-thinking and letting the bigger picture get to me. I need to get back into this thread (I used to be such a huge contributor)!!!!

    Thank you, danlyn for sending me the link -- do you remember when I was on here before??? I fell off of this mini-goal wagon and I desperately needed to get back on. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Great to see you back here SuzMac!! I'm glad you got my message. I really feel this group has kept me focused and I hope it does the same for you. Good luck with your mini goals; let me know if I can help :)
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Wow, welcome to all of the newbies and oldies! Can't wait to hear how everyone does and love the goals!

    MissDee, glad to see you here and hope Mak and I can carry some of your load for you with this thread while you take care of all of those responsibilities. People can only do so much, so glad you're here for the mini-goals.

    Here are mine this week, since I'm starting back to work:

    1. Eat heatlhy lunches and learn to pack fun stuff that is healthy.
    2. Keep up the water drinking.
    3. Still get my exercise in. Keep trying turbofire along with my classes while waiting on my weights to come in.

    Should be a great week!
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    I would like to join :o)

    My week starts on Monday

    My goals are to
    1) work out every day for 60 minutes straight (only little breathers in between routines)
    2) not eat after 7pm every night
    3) cut out carbs by at least 20% (I have way to many carbs in a day right now)

    Thanks for doing this! I had a horrible week last week (gained 2.3lbs) and need some help trying to get my body to do what it needs to do!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Suz it's very nice to see you back on the mini goal train. Good luck to you :)

    ladygloria always nice to see you! great goals as always. Good luck with lunches this week, that's somethign I struggle with a lot.

    Crystal_Rudolph welcome and good luck with this week. Great goals!

    Sunday check in.
    1. week 10 P90X - I realized I don't start wrk 10 until tomorrow. But I finished week 9 strong.
    2. 3 non P90X workouts - I was hoping to go for a bike ride but my dog got hurt so my afternoon was spent trying to get him calmed down and taken care of.
    3. try a new food or recipe everyday - tried a new type of yogurt. Not my favorite but I've had worse.

    Logging off for the night. Have a great night everyone. Keep reaching for your mini goals!! Let's have a strong week!
  • Nlakshmi
    Nlakshmi Posts: 72
    I just saw this thread and I am so glad...I kinda lost my way for last week or so due to having company and not able to exercise at all. This mini goals seems more wonderful way to start.

    I will start tomorrow -Monday to Sun with one day off.

    1. Work out everyday for at least for 1 hr.-3 days of cardio and 2 days of strength training 0r both

    2. Eat 1200 - 1400 calories.

    3. Not eat a snack after. 9:30pm

    4. Drink 70oz water.

    Good luck to everyone . I need to loose some wait before 31 st august as I am going on vacation.

  • FaithsVegWorkout
    I'll play.

    Eat more green veggies. Let's say, at least 3 cups a day.

    Other than that, just keep doing what I've been doing.
  • Honey1990
    My mini goals for this week are going to be, 1) Loose at least another 2 pounds 2) Continue to do the 30 DS every night and move up to 5 lb weights 3) Stay at 1200 kcal or under everyday but sunday.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    well after terrible week, I have to get back to this too. Not sure what goal to set maybe just getting on here every day and getting uplifted by everyone here. 3 workouts this week.
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    My goals:
    1) Log EVERYthing.
    2) Drink 12 cups of water per day.
    3) Do at least 20 mins of my own workout in addition to the daily challenges for my August challenge group.
    4) Watch the scale move DOWN!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Greetings to all my old friends and all of you new folks that have joined up on this great thread! balloons.gifYou'll find nothing but support and positivity around here!

    Week of Aug. 15th - Aug. 21st
    Monday - Sunday

    My mini goals for the week:

    eat healthy
    track it on my food diary
    get in at least 3-4 solid cardio workouts & add a strength day this week
    get in plenty of water before and after my workouts
    quit beating myself up for not doing everything perfect in life...

    Some I kept the same, some I changed up a bit from last week. It helps me so much to really get a new habit incorporated by keeping some of my goals the same for a few weeks. It seems to build strength of commitment for me that way.

    Thanks to Dee for beginning the whole Mini -Goals thread and for MAK and others for keeping it up and running, you all are the best!

    I wish everyone the best week ever and sending you all hugs for your goals and for being part of this! grouphugg.gif Strength in numbers, right?

    Night All, off to bed. 90.gif
  • Taylormeints
    Taylormeints Posts: 7 Member
    I love the idea of small goals! Here is my 1st week goal-

    1. No eating after dinner!!

    This is huge for me...i eat so healthy and consciously all day, then after supper I eat anything and everything I want. It's not a hunger thing at all, it's just a self control thing!. So I am just going to set that goal first, then set my others as I conquer this one!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Nlakshmi welcome, glad you found us! Hope you mini goals are just what you need to get rolling again. Good luck making your goal before your vacation :)

    Hi FaithsVegWorkou, good luck upping your veggie intake.

    Welcome Honey1990 good luck with your 30DS and increasing your weight. Sounds like a popular workout on the thread, might have to check it out next.

    KrisPage nice to see you again! I think checking in a few times a week and getting in three work outs are excellent goals to get you back into the swing of things!

    Hearts♥Desire welcome back. Great goals for this week. I really agree keeping some of the goals is a great way to go helps make these mini goals part of your routine. Strength in numbers indeed, we can do this together!

    Taylormeints welcome. Love your attitude one small step at a time. Good luck with your goal this week!

    OK, now I’m really signing off :) have a great night all!
  • ilovemyheart
    ilovemyheart Posts: 15 Member
    great idea i'm in!
    Mon 15th - sun 21st
    1) no ice coffees!
    2) strength training 5 x this week with no more than 30 min cardio a day
    3) Try and i stress try anti yoga one more time
    Thanks again
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    1st off--Thanks to MissDee for starting such an awesome group and mentoring the wonderfulness that is MAK and LadyGloria to carry the torch. Prayers are with you MissDee!

    My week runs Mon-Sun because it's easier for me to start the day right when I have to get up early and go to work anyway. To finish my 3rd week, here's my Sunday night recap:
    1) logged everything
    2) checked in to the group (so cool to see so many new people jumping in!)
    3) better choice for the day--no dessert with dinner because it would have pushed me over goal calories
    4) sodium no more than 200 over goal--nope on this one. Sodium went way high today because I had too much cheese with dinner. I'm going to keep this goal for the new week.

    New goals for 8/15-8/21:
    1) Keep logging everything honestly
    2) Keep sodium down (no more than 200mg over goal)
    3) Don't eat exercise calories that would take my actual food consumption above 1600 (1400 is my goal before exercise) I've already started the tendency to use exercise calories as an excuse to eat more food than I know that I need, so I want to nip that in the bud before it becomes a bad habit.

    Here's to an awesome week for all! The support here is making a huge difference in my journey, so THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Yesterday I didn't do very well. But overall last week I was okay. So here's to a new week and new goals:

    log in everything and stay in calorie goal
    be active every single day
    make better decisisons (food, excercise, etc.)

    Thanks for continuing the thread MAK and Ladygloria! Good luck to us all in the coming week!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Welcome ilovemyheart! Glad to have you. Good luck with your mini goals this week... No ice coffee!!! Your my hero if you can take on giving up coffee!

    Philosohoe glad to see your found the new thread. Great job with your Sunday goals. Good luck with your new goals.

    Lttee glad to see you are back with some great goals. Nice job with doing well overall last week. Even though yesterday was tough today is a bright new day, and you can get going on a new week and a new day with new goals.

    Please everyone feel free to log in and send some support to the group we all have days that we need it... (today I am in need of some support, it's been a really tough day so far.)
  • FaithsVegWorkout
    So far, so good today. I've eaten about 2 cups of green beans for lunch lol.
  • theba2il
    theba2il Posts: 548 Member
    (((MAK_01))) Hang in there and keep on keeping on!! xx
  • theba2il
    theba2il Posts: 548 Member
    Yesterday I didn't do very well. But overall last week I was okay. So here's to a new week and new goals:

    log in everything and stay in calorie goal
    be active every single day
    make better decisisons (food, excercise, etc.)

    Thanks for continuing the thread MAK and Ladygloria! Good luck to us all in the coming week!

    Great attitude!! You can do it!!