geoffsroote Member


  • See this is the problem with diets/nutrionalists! Who has the definitive answers?! NO ONE! Know why? Because not everyone has the same physical makeup, and what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for the other. Bodies produce different amounts of everything, so each person needs to spend time and figure out what…
  • The lack of veggies in most diets these days stems from an unhealthy influx of processed food. Eating veggies is the most natural thing one can do, yet we find them disgusting because we've been eating processed garbage for years thanks to a lack of nutrition information. I was like many others, corn, potatoes, raw carrots…
  • So now that you know what is in them, why not try making them at home with fresh ingredients yourself! You're body will respond better to the nutrients and you'll cut out any preservatives that you might get in there. Not to mention the taste will probably be better :D
  • That's so good, and that's my goal too so I'm just trying to imagine what you're feeling right now. Congrats!
  • Thanks for the all the info everyone, I'll do my best to get there and beyond by the first 5k!
  • It's my understanding that excess protein can be turned into fat, however the exercised muscles use the protein to rebuild more quickly, so if you're say doubling the amount you should have, it might be stored as fat, but if you're breaking down muscle regularly and only going a little bit over I wouldn't be concerned. I…
  • I know it's tough, but after doing just what you're talking about myself and giving up, and season after season of the biggest loser I can tell you, you're going at it correctly. I think it's possible you're undereating a little and as a result you might have go into starvation mode. Working out an hour a day for 6 days a…
  • I'm eating most of that stuff already, thanks for posting this so I can incorporate the rest!
  • If you type in "understanding football" into google, you come up with a bunch of pages that will help you get some more of the intricacies of football.
  • Aren't you giving attitude to those who give attitude? haha! Seriously though, there is no way you can have a 100% harmonious community here, even the biggest loser has it's troublemakers *cough* Koli *cough* People have their inherent traits and are just argumentative by nature, some people want to lose weight but don't…
  • I take a good multi-vitamin, called Super Vita-Vim and I've really noticed the difference it makes in my overall energy levels. In terms of not aching I would say that no multi-vitamin is going to fix that, you're going to be sore. It's worth the money to get a good vitamin, sometimes you can get multiple. Your doctor can…