I don't like veggies.

Yes you read that right... I don't like veggies...

I am trying though!

Seriously... I'm starting with cucumbers... I've started packing them in my lunches for work even!

I'm going to be 29 next month... I workout regularly and count my calories on this website... I JUST NEED TO START EATING VEGGIES!

I need some tips on how to get on board with veggies... everybody keeps telling me to try it all with cheese (I love cheese) but I have to keep it healthy...

Any healthy dips anyone can recommend for cucumbers or other veggies that easy to start eating for someone like me? :tongue:


  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    well of course you dont...they are plain compared to the good stuff...There is no secret to eating them. You just make yourself. Plan out snacks and a way that each meal you add a veggie. It will take awhile. You will learn which ones you cant stand at all and which ones are tolerable and which ones you like. The ones you tolerate keep eating..you will learn to like them or just get use to eating them. You are basically changing your taste buds. I juice veggies in the morning..There are debates on that but I pick the pro side since its easy..Today was spinach and apple.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    I do like vegies - and would tell you to try the ones you will probably like first - Peas, corn - those are sweet and add a lot of flavor -add them to your soups and pasta, or on the side. Try venturing out with Broccoli - add lemon (not butter) and some light salt. I throw in veges with my scrambled eggs - spinach, onion, mushrooms, red pepper - not only do I get my veges but adds a lot of bulk to my breakfast with little extra calories. I'm going to tell you to skip the cheese - really not a good choice.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I'm not a huge veggie person either. Being from the south, veggies are supposed to be breaded and fried until the taste is gone...lol! Seriously though I never liked celery until I started eating it with peanut butter...now I love it just plain. I also like raw zuchinni strips with a little salt.
  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    Add grated zuchinni and carrots to things that have ground turkey and a sauce, like sloppy joes or meatloaf.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Cook them with some spices. Add some pepper, mix them in a stir fry, put them in some good veggie soups or stews. :)
  • katerinab
    katerinab Posts: 107
    Try asparagus, too. I never thought I'd like it, 'cause heck, look at the name - it doesn't look like something anyone would eat LOL But it's really tasty.
  • cmo115
    cmo115 Posts: 73 Member
    I HATE VEGGIES. I use to eat only 4....corn, potatoes, raw califlower, and raw carrots. Thats it. Now I have added iceburg lettuce, RAW broccoli, and cucumbers. This is a HUGE feet for me. I have never been able to eat things that are green. Its not the color...its just everything that is green is SO NASTY to me. Number one hated food: green beans. People don't get it...they think I am picky. I seriously think the are terrible. I have tried over and over again. I have tried pouring cheese over cooked broccoli..I almost was sick. I can't handle it. One of my friends thinks I have something called being a "Super Taster". You'd have to look up an article on that. Anyway, I just want you to know you are NOT ALONE. I eat the ones I can... and some days try something over again although it usually ends up in the same disgust. I would give anything to love veggies or even just be able to handle them. It would make dieting so much easier.
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    Celery with laughing cow cheese or peanut butter. Yum. (I don't like many veggies either:()
  • smitchell37
    smitchell37 Posts: 121 Member
    I hate cooked veggies. They only cooked veggie I eat is corn. Try to stay away from corn and potatoe they are the worse for you. I love celery you can put peanut butter or low fat cream cheese or just ranch. Cucumbers are really good just put salt and light italian dressing on them. I eat my carrots with Hidden valley light ranch. GOOD LUCK
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    One snack I love is cucumber with a little lemon or lime juice squeezed on top. Gives it a little more flavor. The truth is though, there is no secret. I'd encourage you to keep trying. My wife used to HATE brussel sprouts until we cooked them with a little extra virgin olive oil (key word is LITTLE) and garlic. Now, she loves them. You may not like the most common veggies so try some unusual ones that you don't think off right off the bat like asparagus, brussel sprouts and things like that. Eventually, I promise you'll find SOMETHING you like. Just keep an open mind. Good luck!
  • NOLA_Meg
    NOLA_Meg Posts: 194 Member
    There's a book out by Jerry Seinfeld's wife for parents with kids who are picky eaters called "Deceptively Delicious," with recipes that "hide" veggies in traditional recipes. That might give you some ideas on how to get them in your meals.
  • AllDayMzAmberJ
    AllDayMzAmberJ Posts: 46 Member
    You need to buy a food processor. The only way I can get a large amout of veggies in my diet is to blend them into more regular meals. For example I will make spagetti sauce and blend in red peppers, green peppers, onions, carrots, etc to bulk it up. Or make "burgers" with beans, peppers, corn, etc. It sounds crazy buy once you get used to eating like that, you don't even realize how much veggies you can "hide" in your food.
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    The blender is your friend! Make smoothies with veggies in them -- you can surprisingly hide spinach in a smoothie with banana. Banana is a very powerful flavour! Try blending veggies in other things -- like sauces.

    I love veggies.. in stir fries, wraps, sandwiches. Hopefully you will enjoy them soon.
  • geoffsroote
    geoffsroote Posts: 15 Member
    The lack of veggies in most diets these days stems from an unhealthy influx of processed food. Eating veggies is the most natural thing one can do, yet we find them disgusting because we've been eating processed garbage for years thanks to a lack of nutrition information.

    I was like many others, corn, potatoes, raw carrots but only with ranch of Cesar dressing. Those veggies, while not bad for you, contain a lot of natural sugars which make them more appetizing because our bodies have such been conditioned to want sugars and salt.

    I know it's difficult to start, and just like with diets you'll find if you try to do too much at first you'll end up quitting the venture. What I would suggest is to find a few veggies you like, and then try them in different ways. I couldn't stand green peppers, still can't, but I can eat red ones until the cows come home. Personally I think roasted red peppers are amazing, and they go well on a sandwich in place of condiments that offer little to no nutrition.

    Saute' some asparagus or zuchinni, if you want the butter taste go half and half with some olive oil instead of a full regular serving. Remember that olive oil, while dense, is a heart healthy oil and provides an awesome taste.

    Try baking, saute', steaming, boiling or even eating some raw, until you find the veggies and preparation methods that work best for you. Remember you don't HAVE to eat the entire farmers market, or even restrict yourself to a life of raw or steamed veggies to be fit and healthy.

    When you change your lifestyle and start to eliminate some of the processed, sugary and salty foods, you will find that you start to enjoy more vegetables as your pallet returns to a more natural and healthy state. Given time, you'll find that your cart will contain higher and higher percentages of food from the produce section of the market and less of the boxed and frozen meals that have all the salt, preservatives and fat contents you're striving to stay away from now.

    Good luck!
  • vcatmb44
    vcatmb44 Posts: 129 Member
    hummus is great for veggies and there is all different flavors
  • karriecook
    karriecook Posts: 84 Member
    I love veggies but have to sneak them in for the family whenever I can. I do use the Deceptively Delicious cookbook and have a freezer full of pureed foods I add to everything I can for my kids. I still put real veggies on their plate because I want to train them to eat veggies.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I never really liked veggies either, but now that I know how to cook them better I like them much more! Steamed veggies are great! you can buy a steamer for around $20. They taste great! put a Tableshoon of Extra virgin olive oil on them, the healthy fats in it not only make them taste great, but also makes them easier to digest (but be careful not to use too much EVOO) Then sprinkle some black pepper and italian seasonings on them. Boiling in Chicken broth is also another way to really improve the taste without adding a lot of calories (but watch the sodium). You could also try V8, or even speghetti sauce now comes with 2 servings of vegetables. Try chopping them very thin and adding them in things, then it doesn't seem like you are eating veggies :)
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I did not eat veggies growing up. Not a single one. And have spent most of my adult life the same way - other than corn, potatoes, carrots. You know all the nice starchy veggies.

    I have found that even if I don't like them I can still eat them (I have only gagged on eggplant - I don't think it was the food but the cook).

    Squash is great because I can do it raw or cooked. I looooove sweet potato. I can even do that plain. I have been introduced to the Jicama - which looks like a rock, you peel it like a potato and it's texture is kind of like a water chestnut but it is sweet!

    Salads are the way I get most of my veggie because I can cover up the veggies I don't like with the ones I do and throw some lite or fat free california french or raspberry vinaigrette and cover up the taste.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    Okay, I really like veggies, so I might not be the right person to answer this...but here's the way I like to eat them:

    -With hummus. I used to eat hummus with pita chips or crackers, now I use carrots, celery, and cucumbers.
    -In soup. I use a low-sodium chicken broth and throw in potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, celery, onions, garlic, and kale.
    -I add kale to stuff like turkey chili or pasta sauce. But I really like kale. A lot.
    -Roasted veggies are super good. I've heard a lot of people who don't like veggies (or don't like a particular veggie) say they will eat them when they're cooked this way.
    -Try squashes, especially butternut and acorn squash. They're pretty sweet and mild, and taste amazing. I could eat butternut squash till the cows come home.
    -Saute veggies with olive oil, garlic and onion. This is my go-to way to eat veggies. Throw in a little low-sodium soy sauce, add in some chicken or tofu, and eat with brown rice. Yum!

    Good luck!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I also don't like veggies. Other than in soup. Very odd I know. The one vegatable soup that I used to love has been changed by the manufacture and I just can't stomach it any more. (Thanks Heinz) So even that is now out.
    I just can't bring myself to want to eat them. But I know I really need to start trying. I'm going to look up the book mentioned by several people here and I'm going to at least try.