lmschwanke Member


  • I live in Minnesota, am a married gal with a 3 yr old. My goal would be to loose atleast 50 pounds, to be able to keep up with my son and to have my insides match my outsides.
  • Welcome to MFP. I hope I can add to your knowledge quest. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • I would have to say to pay really close attention to how you feel in all aspects of this quest, even if you and the scale have a disagrement (no loss or gain) just think about the non-scale victories (NSV).
  • I know how hard it is to fit in time to eat healthy and to work out, but you might want to start by thinking positivly. I have always thought the word DIET as a fix it now word to lose the weight fast, I have thought this as a life style change because their are other thing like the non-Scale victories that happen too. But…
    in hi Comment by lmschwanke October 2011
  • Hi, I have had some progress tracking on here. Remember to listen to what your body tells you and or learn how to. Keep your own talk positive even when you are talkimg to your self, enjoy the nonscale achivments when they come.
  • I would first take the test just to make sure. When was the last time you got yourself measured for bras?
  • I have a long way to go (aprox. 60 lbs.), I do have a strong knoledge on working out given that alot of my "gain" is now muscle. When it come so working out more cardio and when it come to strenght training lighter weight more reps.
  • I dont think that here is a correct answer because everyone reacts to food differently. Personaly my goal is to listen to my body, which when I was younger I had no clue how to tell when I was full until it was to the point of being overly full. I try to keep in the satisfied/just full area. When I have a big work out I do…