

  • Superb job, well done. Continue the quest!
  • There are a ton of 24 hour gyms out there nowadays that accommodate for people working all hours of the day and night. If he loves hitting the wieghts encourage him to find a local 24 hour fitness center. If he does like following at home workouts there ar plenty of youtube vids and there a ton of series from Beachbody…
  • I chose the weight that I was my senior year in college. I was in the best shape of my life, and I felt healthy and strong.
  • Great job hitting your goal! That is an exciting achievement. I can't wait to post when I hit my goal, although i can assure you that it I am a good 8 months away from that. keep up the good work, your an inspiration to all of us.
  • Losing weight and staying healthy is a war that you have to see as long term. It will not happen overnight, nor will it happen in a few short months. The key to losing weight is to exercise and eat right. The experts will say that eating right is 78% of the battle, the truth is that they are both critical; the more muscle…
  • Yes, just go to your home page and then select goals. From that screen you can change any of your initial information.