Reached my goal, now what?

So I reached my goal, I had this stubborn stomach fat I was trying to get ride of and with the help of MFP I was able to achieve that. I've always been really active running about 6-8 miles 5-6 times a week, I do it cause it makes me feel good and it is not forced, I just really enjoy running, and I also lift weights for the same reason, that and I want to be toned, which I am now. So now that I have reached my goal what do I do, cause I do not want to gain it back but I also don't want to loose more cause I look too thin (I'm not, I just loose most my weight from the chest up, the mid section was the last to go, but it made me look thinner then I am.) Should I try to cut back on cardio and focus more on weights? (Also scared to bulk up) or just continue what i normally do and try to eat more calories? I find that on the days I work out I am not nearly so hungry as I am on days when I dont, I always make sure to hit 1200 no mater what even if I have to eat and I'm not hungry cause I dont want to go in starvation mode. On days I run its hard to eat the 1200 but I do it, on days I don't workout I feel hungry all day and all I want to do is eat, so weird right?

Ok sorry for this rambling, just not sure how to maintain, I've never had to do that before. I really have to say MFP is awesome. I was over 200lbs about 10 years, ago, lost the weight myself and got toned and kept the weight off but always had this stubborn stomach fat I could never get rid of, but since starting MFP and seeing what I am actually comsuming and the amount of protien and fiber etc I should be eating has really helped and I am finally at my goal, I can't believe it. I actually went shopping yesterday and bought some crop tops which i would NEVER have done before. I'm tellling all my friends about MFP :)


  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Hit the weights. You're not going to bulk up (girls call it "toning" anyway haha).

    Maintenance to me is learning to "enjoy" life again, but more responsibly.

    And please, eat more. You'll be ok. I promise.
  • Pamela_in_Progress
    Pamela_in_Progress Posts: 197 Member
    I haven't quite reached my goal yet, but I believe you're supposed to recalculate the numbers to find out how many calories you need to maintain your current weight to give you an estimate and then basically it's about trial and error depending upon how active you are. Hope this helps.
  • gogo8478
    gogo8478 Posts: 4 Member
    Ok I changed my settings to maintain, I'm so use to eating 1200 its kinda weird to think how much more I have to eat but at least I can go out and enjoy myself more often, of course I won't go over board though. Thanks!
  • Jaybigp
    Jaybigp Posts: 6
    Great job hitting your goal! That is an exciting achievement. I can't wait to post when I hit my goal, although i can assure you that it I am a good 8 months away from that.

    keep up the good work, your an inspiration to all of us.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    At what rate is your weight loss per week at the present? If you were losing 1 lb per week, then your maintenance would be about 500 calories more. If you haven't made use of a digital scale, it's recommended that you do so to weigh all food intake. Regarding exercise and fitness: adopt a new sport or challenge yourself wuth new strength goals.
  • DapperKay
    DapperKay Posts: 140 Member
    Slowly up it though so your body can adjust - hit your maintenance and continue doing the good work in toning and exercising. I am surprised you can do all of that work at 1200, thats not easy!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    set your goal on MFP to maintenance instead of will get a calorie goal for maintaining...make adjustments as necessary per real world results...pretty much same as losing.