

  • What great advice! I am just starting on my journey with a gastric sleeve in April. It is just a tool. Not a sprint. :wink:
  • Not yet but I passed my Psychological exam! Yeah! SO now it goes to my Surgeon's office and I wait some more! I am going to PCP on Monday to have her fill out another Psych report and I see my Psychiatric nurse practitioner on Monday to have a med check. Since I have a brain injury my surgeon is wanting to make sure I am…
  • Still waiting....thanks for your support! I will keep you all posted!
  • Thank you ChristianLady! For your words of insight. It is my journey and my journey alone. My friends are very supportive and excited for me. They know how much this means to me. I want my old self back. I lost that person 8 eight years ago in a near fatal car accident. I put on a lot of weight due to depression and my…
  • I cannot wait to be at my normal BMI! What an accomplishment you have done! You should be so proud. I am hearing some negative talk about how I am taking the easy way out. I don't think so. Surgery is NOTHING to blink an eye at! It is very serious. I am only nervous about the anesthesia not the surgery. I have filled out…
  • Thank you so much for your insight! I am trying to implement the things necessary to have a great post op period like eating off a salad plate, drinking lots of fluids, walking, etc. I want this to be successful and I too do not think I will have "buyers remorse". I need this to be healthy for my four daughters who are all…