Genetic_Drift Member


  • Hey Rdlord75, Check out this article about body fat percentage: The pictures are really the most helpful bit; they give you an idea of what different body fat percentages look like. I use digital scales for the same purpose; they're roughly accurate but they're not the…
  • I think you're already doing all the right things, and most importantly acknowledging the issues and understanding what needs to change. If it's non-diet coke you're drinking, cutting it out or switching to diet will cut 660 calories out of your day straight away. That's huge. If you're buying sandwiches out at lunch,…
  • I think the best thing about MFP is that every day is a new day. The counter resets and you start again fresh, every single day. No new day with a new counter judges you based on any other. My advice is just to let go of the past. It is far simpler said than done, but it's liberating to do it. You're a human being and you…
  • If this is just your first day of trying it, it's going to be very difficult to get a feeling as to whether lack of cravings is going to be a consistent thing, and also whether difficulty sleeping is because of it. I'm personally not pro IF so I'm not making any recommendations, but I would expect and have experienced…
  • I recommend the Polar H6/H7. Providing you have a phone that can sync to it (such as iPhone 4S or later, or Samsung Galaxy S3, see here, it can be a lot cheaper than many of the watches and gives you a lot of info through the free Polar Beat app, or…
  • The chest strap measures your HR, the watch receives the measurement from the chest strap. I'm not sure if there are watches without chest straps, but they would likely be less accurate. Some fitness wrist or arm bands just use movement rather than HR. I use a Polar H7 and pair it with an iPhone 4S. The free Polar Beat app…
  • This. I don't think anyone has been truly negative (and I hope that nobody has caused you any offence), but have just highlighted that it's not realistic. I'm sorry that it bursts your bubble, but sadly it's a fact of ridiculous legislation that supposedly accurate nutritional information can be misleading. It doesn't stop…
  • Ah now I saw the post on the FDA rules. So essentially, they are allowed to lie!
  • Zero calories per how much? My guess would be, that if they're clever, the manufacturer sets a serving size which is less than half a calorie, then rounds down to zero on the nutritional information. How about the macronutrients? If it has even the tiniest bit of carbohydrate, even "less than 1g", it's not possible to be…
  • gives a dill pickle 8 calories. See also this article on "Negative" calorie foods. Even raw celery still has calories, and you won't burn them just by eating it.
  • I use a Polar H7, if you have an iPhone 4S (or later), or an Android phone, you can record everything with the Polar Beat app, and sync your progress to Polar Flow and Polar Personal Trainer online. I find this is a really good way to keep track of progress and analyse your workouts afterward. I found the H7 for a lot…