missk232 Member


  • Thanks everyone, I signed up to this site because I thought with the added "community" feature on here it would make things a lot easier, and now that I see so many kiwi's onboard I feel much better about it too. :)
  • Thanks guys :) Good luck to you all as well
  • I usually make tuna pasta out of my canned tuna. Simple and delicious; Take 1 clove of garlic and say quarter of an onion( I prefer red onions) and saute in a pan over a med-high heat, throw in about a handful of veges- fresh or frozen and cook a little longer over a medium heat. Then add 2/3 of a cup of low-cal/low sodium…
  • I am NEW to this site, am currently 218lb and my goal is to get down to 150, I know it's going to take alot of work but not only do I NEED to lose this weight I also WANT to and want to keep it off. I'm finding it ultra hard to find the motivation, and will power to do so. So if anyone out there would like to add me,…
  • I am NEW to this site, am currently 218lb and my goal is to get down to 150, I know it's going to take alot of work but not only do I NEED to lose this weight I also WANT to and want to keep it off. I'm finding it ultra hard to find the motivation, and will power to do so. So if anyone out there would like to add me,…