

  • Shiny comes out of my mouth often. As well as, "Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!" The latter directed at my bathroom scale when I've had a bad week *wry grin* Gorramit has most definitely been uttered at work.
  • A million times what she said. I've struggled for nearly 20 years with BED (binge-eating disorder). Binging is my go to coping mechanism, though I'm working hard to put in place healthier coping mechanisms I've learned on my own and through therapy. I often used the words food addiction to help explain it to others. As…
  • Hi there! I've struggled with BED for nearly 20 years. Honestly, I've found anti-anxiety/depression medication to be beneficial (I suffer from a fairly significant anxiety disorder), as well as meeting with a therapist. Writing down what I eat also helps me feel in control. I really liken this disorder to an addiction. I…
  • Good Luck! I'm looking to lose around the same amount as you :)
  • I was pleased to be seeing a group dedicated to fellow Browncoats. It's a given I'm a huge fan, but I'm also a huge fan of all things Joss Whedon. :)
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