Looking to lose 56lbs , who's with me?

miinorawr Posts: 120 Member
I weigh 189lbs; Im 5ft 3, female, 26 and this is the.biggest I've ever been.
I realty want to get back down to a healthy weight. I've been reading these forums and finding them very inspiring.
So hello everyone, wish me luck :)


  • TayNLansNGraysDad
    TayNLansNGraysDad Posts: 138 Member
    I have 59 to go!

    Best wishes to you!
  • sharondalulu
    Good Luck! I'm looking to lose around the same amount as you :)
  • chesnity3
    chesnity3 Posts: 960 Member
    I'm the same height and age as you, but I have about 70 more to lose so I'm in.
  • miinorawr
    miinorawr Posts: 120 Member
    Thanks, best of luck to you too :)
  • miinorawr
    miinorawr Posts: 120 Member
    Thanks, good luck to you too :)
  • miinorawr
    miinorawr Posts: 120 Member
    Great to find someone of a similar height etc :) You've lost so much so far - well done! Do you have any advice?
  • rondagrace
    I will join you, if you will have me~~!!

    My name is Ronda. I need to lose 42 pounds! I would love to monitor your progress and have you monitor mine!!
    I am sure you will do just fine!! Being on here is your first accomplishment towards committing yourself to your weight loss goals!!
    Congratulations and Good luck!!
  • rondagrace
    Hi 13lbs's lost is no small matter!! That is wonderful! congrats...keep the fire burning!!

    You are going to amaze yourself in the end, as the amazement has already begun for you!!

    Great Job!!
  • luztrella
    luztrella Posts: 12 Member
    My goal is 65 pounds. I would love to join you all!
  • DeboraW_55
    DeboraW_55 Posts: 95 Member
    I have about 50 to lose also, but I'm 58. But would like to be your friend.
  • js0512
    js0512 Posts: 2 Member
    You can do it! I'm 5'3" and 188, so we're in the same boat!
  • wheeze1969
    Hi everyone! I just joined today. I'm looking to lose 50 pounds. I quit smoking in September and have somehow packed on 20 pounds since then. I'm very discouraged. Onward and upward they say; we can do this!!
  • JobyHux
    JobyHux Posts: 178 Member
    Ive already dropped 45lbs, so you can do it!
  • ImpishVanity
    ImpishVanity Posts: 224 Member
    Feel free to add me. 27yo, 195lbs, trying to lose about as much as you
  • nomoreyoyo67
    I need to lose 50lbs. Feel free to add me:)
  • marleniap
    marleniap Posts: 120 Member
    I've been doing this a while and started out pretty good but now I just don't know. I'm trying but getting no where. I have plenty friends but unconcerned comments are just that. I do have a few friends that I feel are great. A lot of people just want someone to cheer them on and have this big long list of comments, personally if I only had one or two friends that offer help and suggestions on how to do better, that would be enough for me. I've also found people just want someone to compete with; you know, I did better than you kind of people. That is not what I need. Anyway life goes on and Hopefully I will get back in the groove. Just venting. Hope everything work out for everyone else!:smile:
  • adopp062715
    adopp062715 Posts: 93 Member
    I have almost the same stats as you. Feel free to add me! 5'3", starting weight 176 lbs and need to lose at least 50 lbs. 50 is my goal now so we will see when I hit that how I feel.
  • xSirensSong
    xSirensSong Posts: 615 Member
    Hello, lovely! Welcome to MFP!

    I have around 75 pounds to lose in total. I break mine down into nerdy-licious mini goals in order to break up the large number that stares at me in the face. Every 5% of my body weight lost, I reward myself with something NOT food related. You can check out my profile if you'd like to see how I've got it goin' on. Also, I break down my ticker that way. Right now, I'm on my way to my first 'mini goal' ~ my ticker says I'm 2 pounds away. Once I hit that goal, I'll redo my ticker & add on another 11 or so pounds to lose.

    Good luck on your journey, darling! I would love to support you (and anyone, for that matter!) along the way ~ anyone, feel free to add me! I also log every day, exercise (weight lifting) 4-5 days a week, and am supportive & active on my news feed.

    Let's do this, beautifuls!
  • WTBL
    WTBL Posts: 2
    I need to lose 60 so I'm In!
  • lacyn84
    lacyn84 Posts: 3 Member
    Good Luck to you, I have found this app to be so helpful, from tracking my food intake to my exercise, I have lost a total of 57 lbs so far, using this app and a healthy diet and exercise. I still have 84 lbs to go. Not sure if you like to dance, but Zumba is a wonderful fun way to get exercise in. I usually burn around 1,000 calories at one time. :smile: