loveabulldesign Member


  • So, I've been poking around here and it doesn't seem like there's regular reporting from people doing the BFB, but I thought I'd check in, anyway. So, I exercise at least 6 days a week, between horseback riding, rock climbing, the gym and various fitness challenges (lately) but I am not seeing the results I want. I lost…
  • So far, I've seen people recommend using mostly veggies so that you're filling up with fiber and not sugar and calories. I recently started using one and have been having great success having smoothies as breakfast and dinner... I've been trying to find accounts of people who have lost weight using the nutriblasts as meal…
  • I use pineapple juice for half of my liquid- water for the other half. That + blueberries and strawberries take the 'green' edge off, and it does depend on what you use for greens. Be creative- Mache rosettes are super good for you, lower cholesterol, have omega-3s, etc and are very mild flavored. Kale is pretty mild, just…
  • Hey! Well... I was losing weight after switching from Lexapro to Viibryd, but it seems like the weight loss happened during the early stages of my body adjusting to Viibryd/being off of Lex. I pretty much plateaued at 5-6 lbs lost and am starting to feel that familiar swell around the midsection, despite having added a…
  • One month later... Progress is a little slower than I'd hoped, down about 6 pounds in 4.5 weeks. Though it's hard to tell right now what's actually happening since I just came back from a weekend of intense climbing and hiking and immediately got sick and have been unable to eat for the last three days. I know any weight…
  • So far, after a week off of Lexapro, down a little over 3 lbs. Running, climbing and riding and carefully tracking calories. Thankfully, not that hungry on the Viibryd like I was on Lex. And my muscles recover much faster after exercise. I feel like I was always sore on Lexapro. At this rate, I should lose another 7 pounds…
  • I've only been off of the Lexapro for four days, and on a different SSRI so I won't know for about a week what the result of all this exercise will be. Some people don't gain much weight on Lexapro, but for those that do- diet and exercise do not matter. I hate to say it. I didn't eat more or worse or exercise any less. I…
  • Here's the thing. If you do a little bit of searching, you will find that the KIND of weight gain is a giveaway that the medication is causing it. Many doctors recommend Lexapro because it's supposed to be 'weight-neutral' or at the very worst, make you gain 5 pounds. However, the recurring theme I've noticed for people…
  • Okay... I feel like I have to chime in here, because it seems like there's a lot of incomplete information, people just starting Lex, people who didn't experience a change, people who gained a bit but overlooked it- I am a super active, athletic person- I eat well, and I've always had washboard abs, even if my butt got a…