
Hi there! I just purchased a NutriBullet (not specifically for weight loss, just needed a new blender!), and I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on ways to use it for weight loss.

Thanks, I appreciate the help!


  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    No tips on how to use it for weight loss, but we make some amazingly tasty vodka drinks with ours!
  • rflenk
    rflenk Posts: 3
  • B_TEEN
    B_TEEN Posts: 95 Member
    I recently purchased the NutriBullet and love it. The unit comes with a juicing guide with recipes tailored to weight loss or cleansing. My advice is that one commits to their juice blends being at least 50% vegetables. Using lower glycemic fruits also helps to lower sugar content. If you prefer looser drinks, avoid bananas and use more liquid (but not to exceed the "MAX" line). I use green tea as my liquid in lieu of water; some people use coconut or non-diary milks as the liquid base. I primarily use frozen fruit and notice I enjoy my juice blends more when I allow the fruit to thaw.
  • Bentesmart
    Bentesmart Posts: 6 Member
    I make protein shakes with my NutriBullet. I mix my protein powder, my fruits of choice, almond milk or coconut milk, and sometimes peanut or almond butter...don't forget a little ice to make it like a smoothy a little more thick. I used to do breakfast smoothies all different kinds to supplement meals, worked great.
  • loveabulldesign
    loveabulldesign Posts: 9 Member
    So far, I've seen people recommend using mostly veggies so that you're filling up with fiber and not sugar and calories. I recently started using one and have been having great success having smoothies as breakfast and dinner... I've been trying to find accounts of people who have lost weight using the nutriblasts as meal replacements but so far I can't find anything substanial. Obviously it's only part of a greater program of diet and exercise, but frankly, I never finished any veggies I brought into my house before they went bad, and I have already lost 2lbs after 5 days of using it and feel lighter in general. Sadly, this is 2lbs I gained after starting a new medication, so it breaks even on my little progress bar... but I hope to continue to see a difference in conjunction with exercise! It's already cut way down on my snacking and definitely improved my overall nutrition, so that alone should make a big difference. So basically- just using it to incorporate vegetables and fiber into your diet seems to be the primary means of weight loss. They also list specific recipes for 'weight loss' blasts but it's all variations on the 50% vegetables 50% fruit and boosts (chia seeds, flax, maca powder, etc). Have you had any success since your original post?