

  • Actually I had the same problem when I started taking care of myself more and my girlfriend had the same. In our case it was only because we started gaining muscle and storing more water because we finally drank enough. But after a while that problem solved itself as more muscle burnt mor calories. And, what is even more…
  • Actually I had the same problem when I started taking care of myself more and my girlfriend had the same. In our case it was only because we started gaining muscle and storing more water because we finally drank enough. But after a while that problem solved itself as more muscle burnt mor calories. And, what is even more…
  • In general my motivation is my girlfriend telling me I'd look really good. That's enough most of the times. But rewarding myself with food is something that I also do from times to times and I don't think it is wrong. I would die if I couldn't eat a piece of chocolate or some ice cream every now and then. So I don't think…
    in Hello Comment by KoppelJaeger March 2011
  • I want to start giving probably the best advice I can think of: Just be patient to yourself! Loosing weight and eating healthier requires time.
  • Well, at first, setting your goal to loosing 2lb/week is an ambitious goal, and a calorie intake of about 1200kcal while still doing sports can easily result in your body getting into starvation mode. So you have to be very careful. I'd rather suggest that you rise your intake about 100kcal, which means 1 banana extra…
  • In my opinion even for a woman of middle age 1000 kcal is more or less under-nutrition, isn't it???