Calories, short girls, and losing weight

RiiNaCHiiCK09 Posts: 109 Member
edited September 25 in Food and Nutrition
I posted this next part as a reply in another thread but i felt it deserved its own. alright guys, i kno this may sound dumb but im knew to this whole dieting thing. I've never tried to count my calories before! Soooo I'm 4ft 11in and my calorie intake says 1200 calories bc i said i wanted to lose 2 lbs a week. If i eat 1200 cals plus my workout cals, ill still lose weight??? Like seriously nd no joke?
Nd also...I just started my diet and workout 2 weeks ago and I feel like my body looks bloated. Is this normal?


  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    yes, it's normal. if you're sore, your muscles have acquired micro tears. You body's natural defense is to retain water around the muscle fibers in order to aid in recovery and protection. Once your body is used to working out like you have been, the water will naturally be expelled and you'll then see a drop on the scale. don't worry... it happens to majority of us.
  • RiiNaCHiiCK09
    RiiNaCHiiCK09 Posts: 109 Member
    yes, it's normal. if you're sore, your muscles have acquired micro tears. You body's natural defense is to retain water around the muscle fibers in order to aid in recovery and protection. Once your body is used to working out like you have been, the water will naturally be expelled and you'll then see a drop on the scale. don't worry... it happens to majority of us.

    its just that my tummy seems to be bloated, however, my muscles don't seem to feel sore from working out. Typically my legs and butt feel sore. But Im still glad to kno im not the only one!!
  • B2BB
    B2BB Posts: 222 Member
    Exactly right, muscles repair and swelling us normal, especially with weight training. Watch your sodium though, and if aunt flo is around the corner its normal. You can eat your exersice cals and still lose, less isn't always better:-)
  • chattygirl2
    chattygirl2 Posts: 103
    ME TOO!!!!!!!!! I'm 4'11" and used to weigh 100lbs. I never really ate a lot but I haven't been working, so I know that's why the weight is packing on and on and on and ...well you know!! lol Anyways now I'm following the 1200 cal plan, eating 3 times a day and drinking my water, exercising... But now I feel bigger than I was 3 weeks ago! WTHeck????

  • RiiNaCHiiCK09
    RiiNaCHiiCK09 Posts: 109 Member
    Exactly right, muscles repair and swelling us normal, especially with weight training. Watch your sodium though, and if aunt flo is around the corner its normal. You can eat your exersice cals and still lose, less isn't always better:-)

    i freakin LOVE ur before and after pic FYI!!!!!! VERY MOTIVATING!!!!:happy: :flowerforyou:
    Haha but anyhow, I keep seeing a lot of talk about going our bodies going into starvation mode. Eating less calories will do that im guessing?
  • RiiNaCHiiCK09
    RiiNaCHiiCK09 Posts: 109 Member
    ME TOO!!!!!!!!! I'm 4'11" and used to weigh 100lbs. I never really ate a lot but I haven't been working, so I know that's why the weight is packing on and on and on and ...well you know!! lol Anyways now I'm following the 1200 cal plan, eating 3 times a day and drinking my water, exercising... But now I feel bigger than I was 3 weeks ago! WTHeck????


    RIGHT!?!? thats exactly what im afraid of!!! lol well hopefully we'll learn from this thread then!!
    If I may ask, whats ur daily calorie intake and what did u put as ur goal of weight to lose per week? bc so far from what vie seen, a lot of girls put 2 lbs bc, well, it'd be awesome to lose 2 lbs per week! ha but i actually seen that one lady changed that to i think 1.5 and it upped her calorie intake and then she dropped weight!!!
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    1200 is pretty low for a lot of people - I like to suggest setting to 1 pound, since that's what doctors recommend unless you're in the morbid obese range (where it's easier to drop faster like you see on TV).
  • chattygirl2
    chattygirl2 Posts: 103
    ME TOO!!!!!!!!! I'm 4'11" and used to weigh 100lbs. I never really ate a lot but I haven't been working, so I know that's why the weight is packing on and on and on and ...well you know!! lol Anyways now I'm following the 1200 cal plan, eating 3 times a day and drinking my water, exercising... But now I feel bigger than I was 3 weeks ago! WTHeck????


    RIGHT!?!? thats exactly what im afraid of!!! lol well hopefully we'll learn from this thread then!!
    If I may ask, whats ur daily calorie intake and what did u put as ur goal of weight to lose per week? bc so far from what vie seen, a lot of girls put 2 lbs bc, well, it'd be awesome to lose 2 lbs per week! ha but i actually seen that one lady changed that to i think 1.5 and it upped her calorie intake and then she dropped weight!!!

    Mine is also for 2 lbs. cause I am so impatient!! But I guess after reading this I'll give myself another week or so, then change my plan!
  • B2BB
    B2BB Posts: 222 Member
    Well thanx:) yeah body slows metabolism to sustain energy for basic bodily functions. Going too low for too long will do this. I stay at a minimum of my BMR. If I workout I don't feel bad going over since I worked for it. But quality cals make a difference
  • RiiNaCHiiCK09
    RiiNaCHiiCK09 Posts: 109 Member
    1200 is pretty low for a lot of people - I like to suggest setting to 1 pound, since that's what doctors recommend unless you're in the morbid obese range (where it's easier to drop faster like you see on TV).

    argh i feel so aggravated! I did what you recommended and changed my weekly goal to 1 lb and my daily calorie intake is still 1200 calories nd its saying i should only lose 2.9 lbs by april 29th! Aye idk what the deal is. Im just starting to feel like losing these extra 10lbs just isn't going to happen :brokenheart:
  • Well, at first, setting your goal to loosing 2lb/week is an ambitious goal, and a calorie intake of about 1200kcal while still doing sports can easily result in your body getting into starvation mode. So you have to be very careful. I'd rather suggest that you rise your intake about 100kcal, which means 1 banana extra after working out.

    But still, if you don't loose weight while working out, don't worry. If you work out quite hard, especcially if you didn't do sports for a rather long time, this it normal, because you are gaining muscle. And this is exactly what you need, because once you built up enough muscle mass loosing fat will become so much easier. But to achieve enough muscle gain you need to eat enough, because you won't gain muscle if you don't eat enough.
  • c_artman
    c_artman Posts: 1 Member
    it's important that you get enough calories to fuel your body. at one point i lost like 50 or 60 lbs in 4 months from not eating (due to depression) and while the scale went down, my body did not look that great because nothing was toned. i didn't do it the right way and lost it way too fast. i know it's counter intuitive to eat more calories if you're trying to lose weight, but as long as you're making healthy choices for those calories, you should see results. i understand your feeling like things aren't changing. i've been working out for about a month, and while i'm starting to see my baby belly tightening a little bit (i had a c-section 6 1/2 months ago), the scale is remaining at the same weight, so it's incredibly frustrating. but anyways (sorry i'm rambling) just stick to the calories, make sure you are working out, and getting enough rest, and make healthy choices for food. (and if you have a giant sweet tooth like me, the extra dessert delights gum really does help curb that craving)
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member'11"+female+18+years+old+BMR&f1=111+lb&f=BasalMetabolicRate.W_111+lb

    Here is a calculation of your basal metabolic rate on wolfram alpha. It says minimum you should be eating 1260 calories per day just to not starve yourself (which is bad, because it leads to your body holding onto fat), but less than your activity level to burn fat.
  • RiiNaCHiiCK09
    RiiNaCHiiCK09 Posts: 109 Member
    i dnt even have a sweet tooth. my main problem is that im staying with my little sister and most of her food is high in sodium and im scared thats really messing me up nd now im in total freakout mode
  • chattygirl2
    chattygirl2 Posts: 103
    1200 is pretty low for a lot of people - I like to suggest setting to 1 pound, since that's what doctors recommend unless you're in the morbid obese range (where it's easier to drop faster like you see on TV).

    argh i feel so aggravated! I did what you recommended and changed my weekly goal to 1 lb and my daily calorie intake is still 1200 calories nd its saying i should only lose 2.9 lbs by april 29th! Aye idk what the deal is. Im just starting to feel like losing these extra 10lbs just isn't going to happen :brokenheart:

    DON"T GIVE UP!!! Maybe you can add some leg weights while your doing housework or working out?? I sooo know how you feel, I put on some jeans that fit last week and today............not so much!! I was crushed!! Yet yesterday I felt like I looked thinner??? I guess I'll just push thru this for a month and see if I need to change anything. I'll give it that much then make a change!! :ohwell:
    Thanks, I needed t type!! :)
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    Technically you ARE at the ideal weight for your height. If you are looking to tone you should definitely be eating more calories so you can replace fat with muscle.

    That's what I'm on here doing. I set it to 0 pounds loss and have a goal of 1900 a day.
  • RiiNaCHiiCK09
    RiiNaCHiiCK09 Posts: 109 Member
    Technically you ARE at the ideal weight for your height. If you are looking to tone you should definitely be eating more calories so you can replace fat with muscle.

    That's what I'm on here doing. I set it to 0 pounds loss and have a goal of 1900 a day.

    yea i kno that. and i went to that website you showed.
    Im at a healthy weight, but i want a flat stomach for once in my life =/
  • chattygirl2
    chattygirl2 Posts: 103
    would anyone suggest or use diuretics?? NOT abuse just recommended dose?
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Hey! Chill a little :) I am convinced that stress and negativity are real blocks to achieving and you want to achieve weight loss so positivity!!!!!!

    I am 5'1" and have 1200 cals and have done since last April I eat my exercise cals, and I have lost. My loss has not been in a straight line and I lose the plot rather than pounds sometimes but hey life is for living and weightless is for life n not fir the duration of a diet then slam it back on!

    I would try 1200 for a month or so plus your exercise cals.... If you lose fab if not then try something else but a fad diet is only stop gap n chances are that fast weight loss will come back n bite ya!!!! Good luck!
  • chattygirl2
    chattygirl2 Posts: 103
    Technically you ARE at the ideal weight for your height. If you are looking to tone you should definitely be eating more calories so you can replace fat with muscle.

    That's what I'm on here doing. I set it to 0 pounds loss and have a goal of 1900 a day.

    yea i kno that. and i went to that website you showed.
    Im at a healthy weight, but i want a flat stomach for once in my life =/

    The best exercise I know for a flat belly is called "6 inch killers" You lay on your back and hold your feet 6 inches off the ground 6" (hence the name) for 20 sec, relax then 30 back to 20 then 30 ..... 10 reps of each. Hold your tummy in and put your hands to the side on your body or under you lower back for support. It really builds your core! The name is real!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will be sore!! Take and hold your legs (ball yourself up) to your chest every 2 reps, or one, which ever you can take. :smile:
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