I made something very similar but used plain greek yogurt instead of sourcream. It was delicious.
I would highly recommend taking photos, it's just like a home remodel. You forget what it used to look like if you don't have a photo. Face photos often are very telling
I'm trying to use the MFP calorie intake as a guide, so it says 1470 intake?
I'm currently eating around 1500 calories a day and working out at about 300-400 calories a day
I understand that changing the diet is really the key. I will work on eating more protein, and use this as a supplement
I have a breakfast smoothie everday, so that was my next question was flavor. I will try different ones and see what works the best. Thank you everyone for your information, it's been very helpful!
So really my question is. Is using a podwer as a suppliment ok, or recommended?
This is what i am looking for, i feel that i would add a whole meal instead of just the lean meat, which would make me over eat.
Thank you everyone who has given REAL useful help.
Ok I'm 227 lbs at 5'8" so obvioulsy big. and it says my protien intake should be 74 grams per day (before working out). Which is probably low but i'm not hitting that number regularly
Just counting what MFP says my daily protien should be. I have calories to spare i just feel that if i add food i will add more than just the protien.
I'm not the best to give advice, as I'm not much of a runner, but I'm trying. The advice I would give is start slow, listen to your body. remember it's a work in progress.