

  • Cleaning the inside of a car (thoroughly) is a surprisingly good work out. Cleaning the house is a good idea too. Or stick on a film while you are on the treadmill - I do that while i'm on my exercise bike... i'd be bored stiff otherwise!
  • I know this won't be considered good advice or healthy either but I cut back a little bit further on my calories during the week to allow me to have that extra little bit of indulgence on the weekends. I have learned that I can't be good on weekends and I manage easily during the week so if i cut back a bit more during the…
  • My weigh in day is Wednesday. I started three weeks and a day ago and have lost 6 pounds so far. Hoping I can keep it up and not succumb to the biscuit tin!
  • Well done - what a difference in you!
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