

  • Maybe there's a healthy fat you could add tonight? Add some avocado or olive oil? Obviously I don't know your dinner plans but a pat of butter goes a long way!
  • My husband and 14 year old son are naturally thin and both have a propensity for snacking soda and dessert after dinner. Joining them in their eating habits along with no additional exercise got me where I was, as high as 200 pounds ( I'm 5'2"). Since I've been diligent, their support has really changed from lipservice to…
  • I just went through this earlier in the week - did one of my regular workouts, felt like a boss at the end, and did it over again. Could barely lower myself to a sit for 2 days! Stretching and massage and ibuprofen did the trick. I was still a little sore the next time I worked out but felt 100% after that. Great job…
  • Hi Casey, I'm 45 and working hard at sustainable change. I'm a reader/information gatherer also, I sometimes research workouts for an hour just to get motivated to work out! Add me for support if you like, I'm having a bad week but log every day regardless.
  • Salt and vinegar potato chips, I could easily eat half a big bag in one sitting. And of course you can't eat those without enough beer or soda to plump your lips back out (water would probably have worked as well). Also Almond Roca. Damn that stuff anyway, I get a can in my stocking every Christmas and eat the whole thing…
  • Glad you posted this, I just went through the same thing and wondered what was up. Felt like I was making some real strength gains and then all of a sudden everything was twice as hard one day. I feel much better this week, lost a pound and now know to expect it, so thanks everyone :)
  • Thanks for your input. As a 45 year old out of shape mom working out for the first time in years I felt the weight was a good fit to start for me. You'll be pleased to know my 12 kg real kettlebell is in the mail
  • I've never been a breakfast eater my whole life, my parents gave up the fight when I was a teen. I need my coffee with cream, and for a while I was forcing myself to eat a banana every morning. I recently decided I still despise breakfast, and bananas doubly so, and gave it up. I'm much happier and more importantly I can…
  • I'm playing Thief on the Ps4. It's the first time a map system has ruined a game for me, I'm struggling to finish it.
  • I'm a novice but I'm getting a great burn in the abs doing Russian twists with the kettlebell
  • I only work out at home. I recently bought a 15 pound kettlebell and have been trying a variety of workouts, mostly on YouTube, and working on my form. I'm liking Zuzka Light's enough that I'm thinking of buying her kettlebell dvds
  • Yes! I'm in, I need a challenge!
  • I've just started with one, I found it on MFP under cardio, kettle bell, two words. It tells me 100 cals for 10 minutes.
  • I quit in 2011 after 25 years. Feel free to add me for support!
  • All was lost for me the first time I cracked a million points in a game. The game was Zaxxon, on my Coleco set. I also played a lot of Mousetrap on it, I would still play that game now. Out of all the systems I've owned and spent hours playing, I still miss my Goldstar 3D0 the most. I'm seriously considering looking for…
  • She can add me if she likes, I'm 45 and new here as well
  • Bend checking in! Sending requests to all of you :)
  • Old gamer girl here, started with Coleco (I meant old) and now play mostly on ps3 or ps4 when everyone else goes to bed and I can get a couple hours of free time. If you are still an adventurer or if you have sadly taken an arrow in the knee, add me!
  • You will all surely find this silly but I occasionally stay up late at night and play PlayStation games, it's my 'me' time I guess. I sit on a fitness ball while I play, it makes me feel less lazy and I swear I play better!
  • Old gamer mom checking in; anyone remember ColecoVision? Yeah, I go back a ways. Hog my son's ps4 now :) feel free to add me!
  • Looking for twin(s)! Me: New here 45 y/o career mom of one 14 year old boy. 5' 2" SW: 200 CW: 161 GW: 125 I'm a professional and recreational clotheshorse, married forever to a chef who's struggling to support me while still habitually trying to butter my food. Hope to make some accountability buddies!