

  • Are you seeing a difference in inches? Maybe you are putting on muscle which weighs more than fat.
  • When I get absolutely ravenous I get a small serving of homemade soup. For some reason this tides me over until the next meal without a bunch of calories. Also, you've got to splurge some. Life is too short to be miserable when you don't have to be. BTW tummy growling is not necessarily related to hunger, could just be…
  • Hi! I am from Dallas now living in New Zealand. New Zealand is great but I have gained 30 pounds and am trying to lose them. It is not easy when you are 60+. I just started MFP last week so I am a newbie. My son in Dallas says that you had "thundersleet" in Dallas after that 80 degree day. I have never heard of such.…
  • Add me! I am 5'2' if I stand on tippy toes. For years I stayed in a size 4-6 but moved to New Zealand and gained 30 lb (at least) in 3 years. If I put on a pound it shows! I am hoping that MFP can give me insight into what I am doing to get this result. I am sure that great New Zealand wine doesn't help!
  • Hi! If you are still looking for Kiwi friends I joined yesterday. I live in the Waikato, about 3.5 hr south of Auckland (near Te Awamutu).
  • I am a Kiwi and joined yesterday. I live about 3.5 hr south of Auckland near Te Awamutu. The good news about living in the wops is that I grow most of my own veggies and fruit but the bad news is that I am a long, long ways from a gym. I am 5'1, 145 pounds and I need to lose about 25 of those. I am hoping that a food diary…