

  • Sorry i have just realised its been 6 days not 4. I am loosing track of days
  • I haven't measured myself its just in the last couple of days my jeans are really hanging on me and that makes a change
  • I have gone from a size 36 to a size 34 in a few days so i am happy about that anyway i did do a 10 mile walk 2 days ago. I know its not healthy and i will start to do more exercise and eat better but i just find it so hard to stay motivated.
  • Thanks for the reply, i have had both types of soup. I am 16.7 stone at the moment i am going away next weekend and just trying to look a little skinnier before i go. I don't feel hungry and i am having more soup than salad. I have gone from eating once a day to eating three times a day, i just find it strange i am losing…
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