

  • Hi Carolyn! First I hope you continue to feel better! Being ill and staying motivated is a HORRIBLE situation to be in! Listen to your body firstly. If it's saying 'continue resting', then by all means - continue resting. When I was at Zumba Convention this year, a Keynote speaker talked about 'adapting and adjusting'.…
  • Agree with Sanvoodoo. You want to make sure you consume enough and refuel some of what you spend working out. Your body will crave the nutrients. I personally find if I don't balance the proper nutrients or get enough protein day to day, my body starts craving it and it's difficult not to 'splurge' on the things you…
  • Haha. Well, physical activity releases all those wonderful chemicals in your body that make you feel good. Maybe you just 'know' this and it's your bodies way of saying 'Why don't we do something so we can be happier again'. :-) Just a thought. I love a good workout after a stressful day. Makes ME happy. :-)
  • If you're getting your sugars from fruits, I don't think you have to really worry a heck of a lot. The real problems with sugar come in the table sugar form. Table sugar contains fructose and glucose. The body will use the glucose right away (thus the sugar high people tend to feel). The flipside, however, comes when the…
  • I too am one who steps on the scale in the morning, however I only log that number once a week, sometimes once every two weeks. I don't get down or depressed or feel like eating everything in sight when the number goes up a tad because of all the variables involved with that number. Like a lot of people say here, it's just…
  • I have the Jack Lalaane Power Juicer from I bought it as a "beginner juicer" so don't know much about other models out there. I love it though! Just be sure to clean it after juicing. Having the "juicer mess" can be a deterrent for some. In the end you'll be happy with the benefits of juicing!
  • Tiger, I'm curious where you arrive at the conclustion that fructose is 'not better' for you? Everything I've read talks about how natural occuring sugars, such that occur in fruit, gradually increases your blood sugar levels, levels off, and gradually decreases. Table sugars, which are a form of sucrose, cause more of a…
    in Fruit Comment by mponeil1982 August 2011
  • The 'natural' sugar you get from fruits is SO much better for you than counter top sugar! I too am a sweet-aholic! Recently, however, I dove back in to the wonderful world of juicing! While cleanup of home juicing can be a deterant, putting fresh fruit in a juicer and drinking that juice is WONDERFUL and VERY refreshing!…
    in Fruit Comment by mponeil1982 August 2011
  • While cardio is important and will help burn calories, consider toning exercises (light weight workouts) for yourself as well, including leg workouts. I've read that your legs are one of your major muscle groups and that doing 1 basic squat will work over 200 muscles in that full range of motion. I'm sure you've heard that…
  • Fruit smoothies! VERY quick and easy! Full of good nutrients and FILLING! Skim Milk, Frozen berries (of choice) 1/2 cup to a cup of your favorite yogurt (that will work well with the frozen berries) and 1 TBSP of Flaxseed. (Flax NOT required, but good for you!) (Measurements really vary depending on how much you want to…
  • Welcome to the journey! You may add me if you like. I like to help when I can. :-)
  • First, to the OP, GOOD FOR YOU! Soda, to me, is one of those things I don't keep in the house, by choice. (Though when there is a 2 Liter, I make sure it's diet). Now, as far as the question quoted above, I read an article (…
  • Might I recommend some reading material? I read this book in little under a week and it seriously changed the way I look at food anymore. It also helped explain the gains of interval training (which takes me 30 to 40 minutes when I do one of the recommended exercises) to help build lean muscle to help excellerate calorie…
  • I was just getting ready to type what these other wonderful people have said. :-) It's difficult to transition from 'comfort foods' because we are used to telling ourselves that it'll taste really yummy at the time. But, fastforward to the next day and nothing feels better. In fact you may feel worse because now your…
  • You'll love it! Don't get discouraged with it either! I'm a Zumba instructor and ALWAYS tell new people to my class you HAVE to go at least 3 times before you judge if you like it or not. Each class gets easier!
    in ZUMBA Comment by mponeil1982 March 2011