

  • I was also at a plateau for about 6 months while I was training for a half marathon. For me, running just doesn't help me lose weight. I started Jillian Michael's ripped in 30 (5 days a week) and zumba 2 days a week with a short run a couple days a week and I've lost 2 lbs in 2 weeks. Last time I got stuck at a plateau I…
  • I am 5'2, 129 and have lost 40 lbs over the last 2 years. Like you, I could live off of ice cream!!!! I love the skinny cow products especially the single serve ice cream. I probably eat ice cream 3 times a week and still have lost weight. I don't think you should deprive yourself of anything just chose healthier versions…
  • I agree with everything that was said. It took me 2 years to lose 40 lbs (only have about 3 lbs left to lose) and I did it by really watching what I was eating. I now eat something small every 2-3 hours which helps me get through the day. I also write everything I eat down and definitely plan each day ahead of time. For…
  • I started the program using 5 lb weights and after about two weeks was up to 8 lb weights.
  • I think I've really been focused on creating a calorie deficit. It's been a 2 year process of losing weight for me which I've lost a total of 40 lbs. Right now I'm mainly running 4 days a week for my exercise but maybe I'm to the point where I can focus more on building/maintaining muscle and less on actually losing…
  • Just so I completely understand because I've been struggling lately with how many calories I really should be eating. MFP says my calories burned from normal daily activity is 1,570 so is that my maintenance calories? If so 20-35% of that would be somewhere between 300-550 calorie deficit which puts me between 1020-1270…
  • I did 30 day shred a few months ago and lost 5 lbs. I didn't measure inches but I could tell I lost inches in my stomach from it. It helped me get over a plateau I had been at for about 6 months so I definitely recommend the program. I did not do any other exercise other than 30DS every day.
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