

  • Girl you look amazing!! Keep taking pics, our eyes play tricks on us since we see ourselves every day, but when you look at old pics and compare them to your new pics, holy your are doing amazing!
  • That is so funny!!! Way to go at the weight loss, but I am in the same weight category as you and I will tell you that once you have lost the weight, its fun. I did this once and lost 100# and all of a sudden shopping was great. Nice to go into a store and say "I want that" and to have it fit. Priceless. I would do laundry…
  • If your interested in eating clean, I find Tosca Reno quite easy to read without getting frusterated. She has quite a few cookbooks, and for the most part my family does not complain when I try something new for dinner.
  • Keep your chin up....my trick for when I need (want) pizza....just found this recipe. I modify it sometimes based on what I have for calories, etc for the day, add more veggies, maybe some turkey sausage, but gives me what I need and keeps the calories down. Keep going you can do it! Gourmet Hula Pizza Serves 1 • 1 low fat…