

  • Welcome :bigsmile:
    in New Comment by crystal30 April 2008
  • Sounds like your body has gotten used to your routine or maybe you are not getting enough to eat. When exercising alot, replenishing your body is a must. It is a good idea to eat a healthy snack before and after exercising. I had that happen to me. I stopped doing so much cardio for about two weeks, then picked back up. I…
  • Cool...........Thanks!
  • Thanks! I am so excited and can't wait to use all the tools on the site!
  • Well I came across the website earlier, it has everything! I recently lost 35 pounds over the last 2 years and I am at a healthy weight. Lately, I have really been slacking off! I am worried that I will put the weight back on it I don't get motivated again soon! :smile:
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