minicoopsie Member


  • I have been making excuses all week, have a headache, too tired, too much other things to do but today I decided to ignore the excuses and complete the 30 day shred workout, I had to take a couple 2 second breaks and remind myself that I can do this, I did do a belly dance warm up and Pilates cool down since I think I need…
  • been sick all week but hoping I can actually do some of the 30 day shred or if not some sort of exercise
  • I have found that frozen grapes help with the sugar craving to an extent I just need to remember to bring it to work. I used to be good like years ago on being healthy with my eating and I started a job that is very stressful and well my stress eating has come of for sure.
  • yea i defiantly had to play catch up today but will keep going
  • I can't comment on groups on the myfitnesspal app but if you log into the site in your web browser you can see the full site, of course you have to have atleast a semi-smart phone to do that. Keep up the work
  • I finished the warm and didn't even get 2 minutes into the first set and realized that my legs were way too sore to do the lunges and squats. But I am determined to not just give up so I decided to see what workouts we have on our on-demand fitness channel through comcast, just completed 30mins of marital arts, now to…
  • did Day 3 late last night and was too sore to do half of the leg moves so I modified and did half squats or did some line dance moves just to get moving, will have to see what Day 4 has for me today
  • sadly I could only finish half of Day 2 because my muscles are still too tight after not working out for many months but I will try again tomorrow
  • not sure how to add a photo but if anyone can help that would be great Beginning Format: Starting Weight - 129 Biceps - (R): 11.5 (L): 11.25 Chest - 35.33 Waist - (smallest) 33.25 Tummy - (largest) 37.5 Hips - 36.5 Thighs - (R): 19 (L) 19.5 :frown:
  • I finished a little late today but I finished I haven't worked that hard in a long time managed to get my mother to join no luck so far getting the husband to join in this workout with me. I am sure I will be sore tomorrow when I go to work
  • Hello all my name is Anna I am 26 recently married and working on my last year of grad school to get my Masters in Social Work. I swam competitevely in high school although I was never that good. I gave up on any sports and fitness in my undergrad years in college and only kept from gaining weight because I had to walk…
  • I was dx with adult onset asthma about 9 months ago and I have been struggling to find an exercise that does not cause my asthma to flare up. Some days I can do an hour of zumba and biggest loser for the wii however other days I can barely walk up a flight of stairs. This has become very frusterating and I am actually…