

  • Thank you for the tips summer8it.... It sounds like you know your stuff when it comes to hooping - would you say that a weighted one is best although the rotations are slower and therefore you're not working as fast to keep it going or a normal one which you have to work harder to keep up but has no added weight to it??
  • Hello! only just seen the replies to my post.... thank you for all replies :-) xx I find using a weighted one soooo much easier than a normal one, I think the momentum in it helps it carry on swinging. I too had loads of bruises round my hips. The first time I used it I got a bit hula happy and prob did it too long for a…
  • Firstly you are not a failure - what did you fail at? you didn't fail at losing weight as you lost it, and ok so you have put some back on but I think that will be true of a large amount of us on here that we take our eye off the ball and it creeps back on, the important thing is that you have recognised this in time to…
  • I'm another Englander :-) from sunny Swindon
  • Hi, I've been doing MFP on and off for just over a year but really starting to get back into it properly over the last few weeks. Feel free to add me - all extra support on here helps :-) Good luck!
  • I'm a big fan of the 30 Day Shred too - fab dvd!! I have 2 small kids as well so doing a dvd that is only 20mins long is ideal. I also find that only being 20 mins there is no excuse really not to do it :-) can't reccomend it enough!!
  • woohoo well said :-) (from a fellow daily weigher)
  • I too weigh myself everyday and I know there are many reasons to argue against doing this but for me personally it works and helps keep me on track. If I have a bad food day it reflects the following day on the scales for me so I know to reign it in. Otherwise believe me I find if very easy to get back into bad habits. My…
  • Oh this is brilliant - I rarely actually laugh out loud at the computer but today you got me :-) haha
  • I'm 33 years old and 5ft 1, trying to shift baby weight after twins.... which really should be gone by now as they are nearly 3 :-( I personally feel that at a height of around 5ft every pound on or off counts and seems to show, wish I could eat or carry off the weight as easily as my taller friends do!!! If any fellow 5ft…
  • That's amazing! I love reading stories like this and am in awe of the determination and motivation some people have - well done!
  • I am! my dvd should be arriving in the post of Friday and I plan to start it asap as heard so much good stuff about it (and how hard it is!! yikes!) lets hope we all do well :-) good luck :-)
  • Hello, I am 5ft 1 and 156.75 lbs andf would love to get down to around 125lb... only lost 2lbs so far so a pound a week but am loving this site for motivation! Feel free to add me :-)
  • Ah fab thank you i've just ordered a copy, wish me luck! :-)
  • Yey well done! Whats the 30lb shred????
  • Hello, it doesn't sound as if you are doing anything wrong to me! Sounds like we joined at roughly the same time and are pretty much the same weight, I weigh myself everyday and mine too can sometimes be down and other days be half a pound more etc - but I don't let this worry me as I try to look at my weight loss over a…