wschafer Member


  • I work from 11a-8p. I don't want to eat to heavy after 8p but can't figure out what to eat for dinner. Any suggestions?
  • I noted that my doc wants me to do a 1600 cal diet daily. I'm usually up for that length of time daily or would be if I got eight hours sleep. I wonder what my system would say to eating 100 calories every hour. Oh I found 100 calorie cheesecake that's real good.
    in Experiment Comment by wschafer May 2008
  • You could start off small with a Squirt 3 mile walk, 10 mile bike ride and a 1 mile swim or kayk/canoe paddle.
    in Iron Man Comment by wschafer May 2008
  • I guess it would depend on how much I get. I could use it for debt but I've been working a lot of OT to cover that. I do need a new dress and shoes for my Bro's wedding and I'd like to get a new Bodice and other neat things for my theatre costumes for this summer's shows. But most of all I'm thinking of using it to take an…
  • If the scale is your enemy. You must crush it beneath your heel and dispose of it so it never bothers you again. Seriously weight fluctuates so much for us chicks that its annoying. How do you feel? How do your clothes fit? are better guides.
    in Disgusted Comment by wschafer April 2008
  • :noway: So yesterday my endo doc put me on a 1600 cal diet. :grumble: How the heck do I do that? So I websearched for 1600 cal diets and came across this site. Right now I'm just tracking what I normally eat for this week and then I plan to tweak it to get it down to ~1600. I like the fact that it has all sorts of foods…