

  • I don't recommend eating apples everyday as they are very high in sugars. They are actually a 'useless' fruit nutrition wise. They are reportedly more efficient at waking you up in the morning than a cup of coffee.
  • I'm the same weight and height as you are and I too find eating 1200 calories a day to little. One thing I do is eat 6 small meals a day and drink a glass of water before each meal. The water makes me feel fuller and helps to digest the food faster I find. Stay away from pastas because those are break down into mainly…
  • I'd love to partake, if possible. I've been at this weight loss thing for awhile now, and I've finally got the 'diet' down, now I'm working on the actual weight loos portion. And 20 lbs is what I need to lose to get out of the 'over weight' category.... :)
  • Way to go! I can see a huge difference! You're doing awesome, keep it up!
  • You look amazing! I love reading success stories, keeps me motivated. And you 100% right, this isn't a diet, but a lifestyle change. Good luck with the rest of your journey!!!
  • Most anything except seafood, mushrooms, and a few other things that aren't north American... quote] What foods do you like? [/quote]
  • The machines tell me the calories burned and for things like Zumba or power circuit classes, I use the app. I enter my height weight and age into the machine and it tells me then calories burned
  • That's good to know. I'll shift more of my work to my diet now. I've got my gym routine down and I've even joined some classes they offer. Thanks for the info :)
  • Thank u, I will
  • So it's very important to consume that 1200C goal?
  • Thanks so much for having a look. I'm slowly easing out of 'conscience foods'. I go to uni and never have been a big morning eater so I usually grab a doughnut after my class and have been up and walking around for a while. But, I got some all natural fruits bars a few days ago to keep in my backpack. I had someone in my…
  • Thank you for ur reply! I was just reading an article a few months back that the crunch of carrots satisfies the crunching of chips. I will have to test this out. I am defiantly going to check the red flags and take those foods out :)