Wow great work!
You look so much younger
About $10 NZD ..not sure what that is in USD. .maybe $5
Plans to walk the Tongariro crossing ..less kilos to lug around on that day would be nice
Amazing..thank you
Lately hummus and beetroot relish together on toast
Peanut butter and melted cheese toasted sandwiches
Very inspiring...I'll have what she's having!
Hawaii is the most beautiful place I have ever been. You will love it there
Sorry I meant to say I was 16 (at high school)
When I was 26 I'd eat one piece toast with no butter, one yogurt and apple during day then in evening bring up about half the lovely dinner my sister would cook (I was not great at puking) jogging nearly every day. I was in a strange place mentally. I was not interested anything besides diet and exercise. this went on for…
I agree it is hard to keep your head in the game. A GnR concert set me back..the alcohol, craving grease the next day combined with tiredness..exercising went on pause too. So I blame Axl lol
You look so light and happy
Sorry but the drinking one less soda a day like telling an alcoholic have one less drink per day and slowly taper off.. haha
What I'm doing- 3 normal sensibly sized meals, no snacking. Rocket science stuff
I've also found that diet is where it's at. In any case ..carrying the fat equivalent of a small child around all day is exercise in itself
5'4 and 89 kilos, goal is 68 kilos... in pounds 196 down to 150. I'd like to keep a little meat on my bones
You don't need to exercise like a maniac to lose weight. .OK I'm fat right now but in the past it wasn't necessary just cutting back calories and not eating at night after tea worked. I'm having to get serious about ditching alcohol and junk and eating 3 square sensible meals due to stomach issues..(possible ulcer) one…
It seems to be the way. Maybe a movie or book at the end of the day to help distract
You look radiant and beautiful!
Thanks for posting. .I hope to feel as you do soon . My fat is a buffer between me and life. I need to replace it with fitness
You're so right
I had a blow out with 3 days of wine pasta lamb,cheesecake and general overindulgence and woke up very nauseous yesterday with stabbing pains in my upper abdomen which lasted all day. Feeling ok today though. Tea and soup today. Lesson learnt
That and walking up steps. Steps steps and more steps !seems to actually be working this week
I've recently changed my focus to the deficit I'm creating which would be about 1000 calories per day if I exercise and stick to about 1200 cal
awesome, do you get a runners high after running to the ladyvoice's directions, or feel like your lungs have stretched slightly (in a good way)
Amazingly inspiring!
<3 >:)
That's great advice!
Also if you're subconsciously just not looking forward to the attention you might get from weight loss..that seems to be a trigger for me. I've even resolved to keep wearing baggy layers