KateV888 Member


  • Oh the memories. We probably had the same tape recorder. Mine was connected to a TRASH-80.
  • It sounds like your doctor isn't very helpful. Can you switch to someone else? And are you seeing someone (therapist/psychiatrist) for your depression? Taking Meds? The thoughts you're having - that you're a burden, that no one wants to know you - are the distortions of depression. They're not true. You deserve good care -…
    in bipolar Comment by KateV888 June 2014
  • Quit 78 days ago using both the patch and the gum. Am off the patch now, still using the 2 mg gum and looking forward to getting off that. Not in a hurry, though, as the most important thing is that I stick with this quit. I meant to lose weight, but have only been able to maintain my weight since I quit - which is still…
  • Old school nerd here ... Or maybe just old nerd. 43 and decades of nerd-dom under my belt. I was playing PC games when they were text adventures. I was online, when online meant BBS's. I was programming in BASIC long before BASIC was visual. I was reading X-MEN when Days of Future Past first came out. I played pong. It was…
  • I shave daily and it still shows a shadow - I just live with it. Tried spironolactone and it made no difference. Tried laser and it kept growing back plus it hurt so much I was sobbing hysterically - they say it's because the hair is so dark it absorbs the heat more. I haven't tried Spito plus laser - which I know I need…
  • Have you talked with your psychiatrist about trying another med in the same class which is less likely to cause weight gain? Not all AAPs have the same weight gain profile. I think Abilify and Latuda are supposedly less likely to cause weight gain. Maybe others? I'm on Latuda for that reason.
  • I stopped smoking 6 weeks ago, and even though I've been trying to lose and using MFP I haven't been able to lose weight since. But I'm still happy because so far I haven't gained - which I still consider a small triumph. Anyone trying to quit and trying to lose simultaneously - feel free to friend me.
  • I am trying to lose weight for a lot of reasons, but not because I hate my body. I basically believe in having a positive body image regardless of what size you are, and the goal is being healthy. I'm actually very comfortable in my body at 268 lbs., but I know that I'm there partly because my habits haven't been healthy…
  • Well I'd been exercising regularly for about a month and I was just feeling completely stupid each time when I finished and went out and had a smoke. I'd also just recently done a budget for myself and was upset how much I was spending on cigarettes. So one day I saw a tv drama with a guy in it who was dying of lung cancer…
  • I agree the chart makes no sense. Avoiding things is effective and exposure therapy is ineffective? More like the opposite - exposure therapy is one of the most effective ways to recover from anxiety and avoidance is a great way to perpetuate anxiety.
  • 43 Massachusetts 5'2" (I used to be 5'3" - what happened???) SW - 278 CW - 268 GW - 165 Just starting - long way to go!
  • I started three weeks ago with a BMI of 50 - which I guess is definitely "super obese" (yowza). Now my BMI is 49, which according to Wikipedia is either still super obese, or maybe now just morbidly obese. Apparently depending on who you ask. Never Knew there were all these distinctions. I prefer to think of myself as just…
  • Just checking in. Just started MFP this month and interested in adding friends with mental health issues, or who've had medication related weight gain etc. I have bad depression and a mix of anxiety disorders. I was hospitalized a year and a half ago. Right now on four different Meds I'm doing way better and getting…
    in Check in Comment by KateV888 March 2014
  • Psychotherapy and exercise are well studied and shown to improve depression. All forms of psychotherapy, but particularly cognitive behavioral therapy i(CBT) is very well studied. The book that's been mentioned several times "Feeling Good" by David Burns is actually self-help CBT. It's an awesome book. It also gives you…
  • Used to be a huge comic book collector - xbooks mainly Love Star Trek TNG and all movies SciFi And horror movies Teaching myself programming for fun Feel free to add
  • I have 113 lbs to go just to get to an "overweight" BMI - which is my goal. Just, just started with MFP today. It looks like a great app, I'm really happy to have found it. Feel free to add me.