

  • Today I tried the core of four. But the thing that was challenging that in between each exercise I only had one minute. At the end of the period I was exhausted and didnt feel like doing anything else.
  • Today I tried the core of four. But the thing that was challenging that in between each exercise I only had one minute. At the end of the period I was exhausted and didnt feel like doing anything else.
  • Today mrs. Ali suggested that I start my core of for today in order to look fit. I also tried working out with the bands but it was morr difficult than I thought. Im looking forward to tomorrow.
  • Today was cardio day and i was on the bike for 20 mins. it was very tiring but at the end i will get results. then i walked the hallways for the rest of the period.
  • today was cardio day. i started off with 10 mins on the bike and walked the halls for a while. then i finished the class while doing abb workout. at the end of the period i felt tired but i think i should add some more training on my cardio days.
  • today was chest and biceps day. while i was doing skull crushers today i felt like the weight was light for me. next time i would like to add more weight in order to get a better result.
  • Today I did some abb exercises for 20 mins. Then I went up and down the stairs until I got tired and then did more abb exercises till the class finished.
  • Today i walked up and down the stairs for fifteen mins. then i tried out some abb workouts and some of them were really hard to finish.
  • today i did the regular excersises that we always do. at first i did bench press with 30 pounds on each side and i felt like it was too easy. I'm planing on next time to add more weight .
  • Today in the gym i started of with bench press, i put 30lbs on each side and i finished my sets easily. next time i got to the gym i should increase my weight so i could have better results. Today while doing leg press i felt a pain in my back, but later i learned that i need to sit back in the chair so it could take some…
  • After reading ten pages of the book i started to learn more about eating good foods that could help me reach my goal. I also noticed how similar this book is to Mr. Ali's rule of three. it has many similar things like eat about 6 to 8 meals a day. and eat protein in 3 of those meals. The thing that interested me the most…
  • today in fitness i walked for 20mins up and down the stairs. then Mr. Ali made us do suicides for most of the class. it was fun but i was very tired at the end.
  • Today i was on the bike for ten minutes and then soon after that i was on the stares for 30 mins. at the end of the period i worked on abba. didn't really feel tired today so i think i should train harder next time.
  • Today at the gym i increased my weights for my bench press by 5lbs. so a total of 30 pounds on each side plus the bar itself weighs 45lbs all adds up to 100 pounds! at first i could do 12 on my own but then getting into the second set i need some help on the last one to reach 12. I also increased my weights for the leg…
  • today in fitness class i had cardio day. i went up and down the stairs for 20 minutes then after that i walked on the treadmill for another 20 mins. after that i did some abba excersises for the rest of the period. i didn't lift any weights today so i could let my muscles rest for tomorrow.
  • Today i tried a something new, the shoulder press. i realized that this wasn't easy, it needed full concentration to be able to make it to a 10 RM. i think i should start adding weights to my other exercises because i feel like the weight is getting lighter and its becoming easy to get to 12.
  • Today I did my regular excercises that involved bench press seated rows and leg press. But today I got introduced to a new excercise. This excercise works out your shoulder mucsels. The first time trying it was kinda easy but I think I should add more weight.
  • Today in fitness class I was on the treadmill for 20 I walked for 15 mins and jogged for the last 5 mins. After that I walked around the hall ways and went up and down the stairs for 20 mins. I could tell that worked harder today then my last cardio session because I started sweating alot by the end of the period.
  • Today I bench pressed 95lbs in the gym. At first I did 15, 13 and then 8. I learned today I should try to at least get a 10 rpm on my last try because if I dont then all I did was worth nothing. So I was disappointed about that. But next time I will try to get better and hope that my spotter will help me.
  • I learned that it is important to calculate how much I eat everyday. My fitness pal helps you calculate how much u eat eat every day. Its important to eat healthy food to get fit.