

  • Yesterday I used the bicycle the entire class for my cardio workout. It was really tiring to go nonstop with a good pace. Hopefully I will improve my pace and still go for the same amount of time I consumed. Today I used the bicycle for 15mins at a fast pace. After that I did a couple of workouts such as 3 sets of lunges…
  • Today I worked out my biceps with seated curls and band curls. My triceps with tricep extensions. Also I did lunges for my legs. After that I walked fast around the hallway for cardio. My legs were sore after the lunges.
  • Today I did 15 minutes of cycling for cardio training. And also I did some weight training. I trained my biceps with the seated curls. Also I did tricep extensions.
  • Today was my first day back to training. The weights were heavy for me since I havent trained for a week. I did all of the workouts today. At the end my body was really sore after all of the training.
  • Today we were in class and did our weigh in. I lost 1kg based on my last weigh in. I feel good that I did not gain weight throughout the spring break. I am doing great based on my goal. My goal is to loose half a kilogram per week. It has been 4 weeks and I lost 4 kilograms.
  • After reading the precision nutrition article i have found many similarities and some differences. One of the greatest similarities i have found is that the article also has a very similar rule of three. It is called The Triple S Criterion which states simplicity, if a rule is easy to follow, science, are the rules based…
  • Yesterday I twisted my ankle so I could not do much cardio. I walked around the entire class. Today I did leg presses, bench press, rows, shoulder press, and pull downs. I felt really good doing the workouts because last time I failed at most of them but now I got used to the extra weight. The bench presses are by far…
  • Yesterday I walked on the trend mill for a while and ran up and down the stairs. I noticed that running up and down the stairs takes more effort so I will continue on doing it and will set the trend mill aside. I ran harder and felt a little bit of pain on my feet. Today I did leg presses, bench press, rows, shoulder…
  • Today I ran up and down the stairs. I try to speed up a little every now and then to increase the intensity. I began to run up the stairs instead of walking up slowly.
  • Today I was absent
  • Today I ran up the stairs and on the trend mill. Running on the stairs makes my feet hurt. I will spend more time on the trend mill next time so I dont get a sore foot so I can do cardio longer.
  • Today I woke up with a little bit of pain on my shoulders so doing my workouts was a bit harder. I did the leg press at 90lb on each side which really affected my legs, I was wobbling when I got up from it. After that I did rows with 1 set of 20lbs, it was easy so I did the next 2 sets with 25lb. Then, I did bench press…
  • Today I ran on the trend mill and got my heart rate up to 156 beats and I ran on the stairs. My feet were in pain by the end.
  • Today when I started working out it was a bit painful since it is my first time working out. I did bench rows 20lbs of weight in 12 reps in 3 sets. It was not too easy or too hard but it was a good workout and I plan on adding more weight to it I did chest presses with 20lb on each side for one set but it was too easy so I…
  • Article reflection: The generally accepted rate of weight loss is 1 to 1.5 pounds per week or approximately 6 pounds per month. If you eliminate 500 kcal per day from your diet, you should be on track to meet this degree of weight loss. Basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy required to maintain the body's normal…